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Create and upload

Brian Wandell edited this page Dec 3, 2017 · 4 revisions

Create a project

Create a project hierarchy

% Create a project hierarcy and upload a file.  Try various deletions.
st = scitran('vistalab'); 
gName = 'Wandell Lab';
pLabel = 'deleteMe';
sLabel = 'deleteSession';
aLabel = 'deleteAcquisition';

% id has a project, session and acquisition slot.
id     = st.create(gName, pLabel,'session',sLabel,'acquisition',aLabel);

Upload a file

Upload and then check that you can find it. Sometimes the search takes a few seconds to update the database.

fullFileName = fullfile(stRootPath,'data','dtiError.json');
files ='file',...
      'project label exact',pLabel,...
      'file name','dtiError.json');

Delete a project

All the subcontainers are deleted, too.

containerType = 'project';
containerID = id.project;

Analysis upload

Create an analysis and upload it to an Analysis tab s_stGears.m line

Check these examples

Should we make an analysis object with its own create, put, get? Check how this would work with the code in s_stGears.m

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