VF-WP is a collection of WordPress themes and plugins that integrate with the Visual Framework. They are currently heavily tied to the brand-specific "VF 2.0 for the EMBL Design Language". Additional WordPress plugin dependencies are kept in an external repository (see below).
- Work in Progress, Issues, Bugs →
- Theme and Plugin Architecture →
- Theming Documentation →
- WordPress Setup →
- External Plugins Repository - Please create tag whenever it is locally tested & ready to deploy on all sites and update the tagname in
variable in.env
file. - EMBL Taxonomy →
- VF Gutenberg →
- Events →
The Visual Framework WordPress theme uses a plugin-based architecture.
Blocks are small, reusable content patterns based on the Visual Framework.
Containers are large, single use template patterns based on the Visual Framework.
Templates are configurable container stacks that can be used to define preset dynamic theme templates.
Contributing to this repository requires command line tools:
- Git
- Node
- Gulp (optional)
To start:
# Install dev dependencies
yarn install
This project makes use of Visual Framework components to build its CSS and JavaScript.
These scripts and tasks are available:
yarn run update-components
To interactively update the Visual Framework components (and other npm packages).
gulp build
- to build
- to make
- to make
- to build
- to make
- to make
Note: the CI will run gulp build
on commit to master
gulp default
To launch local development of the above with a watch
gulp vf-gutenberg
To compile the Gutenberg React blocks.
Clone repo by running -
git clone --recursive https://github.com/visual-framework/vf-wp.git
Use any of the below variation of command to build the site
bin/dev quick_group
- to build WordPress website with basic Visual Framework default configuration - Plugin/themes enabledbin/dev quick_group_bootstrap
- to build WordPress website setup with Visual Framework dummy microsite bootstrap versionbin/dev launch
- to launch browserbin/dev login
- to login in wordpress admin
bin/dev logs
- tail logs from containersbin/dev pma
- launch phpMyAdmin to view databasebin/dev up
- to spin up docker containersbin/dev down
- to spin down docker containersbin/dev mailhog
- to launch mailhog to view e-mail sent my containers
n.b. To develop locally you'll need to make sure your project's git submodules are up to date: git submodule update --init --recursive
- Default variables including CSS/JS version, site title, admin password are configured in