A curated list of Developer Experience resources and tools.
- github1s - Open every GitHub repository in VS Code in browser.
- ElasticMQ - In-memory message queue with an Amazon SQS-compatible interface.
- Prettier - Opinionated code formatter.
- ESLint - JavaScript linter.
- Backstage - Platform for building developer portals.
- OpenFaas - Serverless functions framework.
- MinIO - S3-compatible object storage.
- Semantic Versioning - Versioning specification.
- semantic-release - Fully automated package publishing.
- Conventional Commits - Lightweight specification for commit messages.
- gitmoji - Emoji-based commit message convention.
- NVM - Node Version Manager - POSIX-compliant bash script to manage multiple active Node.js versions.
- rbenv - Use rbenv to pick a Ruby version for your application and guarantee that your development environment matches production.
- asdf - Version management for multiple frameworks.
- Oh My Zsh - Oh My Zsh is a delightful, open source, community-driven framework for managing your Zsh configuration. It comes bundled with thousands of helpful functions, helpers, plugins, themes, and a few things that make you shout.
- Fig - Auto-completion for terminal.
- LocalStack - Local emulator of AWS services.
- ngrok - Locally available reverse proxy.
- Tabnine - Tabnine's powerful Artificial Intelligence assistant works right where you are, in the comfort of your IDE.
- GitHub Copilot - AI code completion.
- DX Scanner Dashboard - Measure, analyze, increase and validate your team's effectiveness with all detailed data in one place. Discover data that help you facilitate decision making.
- Fossa - The most complete open source management and policy engine for enterprise security and compliance.
- SonarQube - Static code quality analysis.
- deepsource - Static code analysis.
- Fly - Full stack apps and database hosting.
- LinearB - Software delivery intelligence.
- Pluralsight Flow - Project workflow dashboard.
- Gitpod - Instant IDE.
- AhoyConnect - Community Data Intelligence Platform.
- Moesif - API Analytics.
- Codesee - Automatic code diagrams.
- Retool - Platform for building internal tools.
- Apimatic - API development and documentation platform.
- Theneo - API documentation tool.
- Snyk.io - Automatically find, prioritize and fix vulnerabilities in the open source dependencies used to build your cloud native applications.
- Postman - API building platform.
- Hoppscotch - Open-source API development platform.
- Wombat - Cross-platform gRPC client.
- Apiary - API design and documentation platform.
- Logseq - Markdown-based knowledge base.
- Obsidian - Markdown-based knowledge base.
- Notion - Team wiki-like workspace.
- Statuspage - Service status monitoring.
- PagerDuty - Service monitoring and incident resolution platform.
- Ansible - Automation platform.
- Salt Project - Deploy and configuration automation.
- Puppet - Infrastructure automation.
- Chef - Automation platform.
- WhiteSource Renovate - Save time and reduce risk by automating dependency updates in software projects.
- DX Scanner - CLI tool that allows you to measure quality of a team work and an app based on your source code.
- The documentation system - The documentation system outlined here is a simple, comprehensive and nearly universally-applicable scheme.
- DX Manifesto - Basic Developer Experience principles.
- LinkedIn group about Developer Experience
- Heroku DX - Evolving the Developer Experience. Again.
- What is DX - An article introducing the meaning of Developer Experience.
- The Twelve-Factor App - Recommendations for designing apps.
- Command Line Interface Guidelines - Best practices for writing CLI apps.
- Creating a developer community - Article about community building.
- DX at DAZN - Interview with Head of DX at DAZN.
- Why Your API Needs a Dedicated Developer Experience Team - About usefulness of DX teams.
- Developer Relations - Intro to developer relations and how to run them inside a company.
- DevRel Weekly - Developer relations newsletter.
- DevRel - Blog about developer relations.
- DevRelX - Blog and newsletter about developer relations.
- DevRel.jobs - Developer relations jobs.
- APIs you won't hate - Blog about API design.
- daily.dev - News from developer-focused websites.
- Awesome online IDEs - List of online development environments.
- Awesome software architecture - List of software architecture resources.