This implements a version of THE ULTIMATE DEBOUNCER(TM) from hackaday.
It can monitor multiple pins, and sends button events over a queue for your application to process.
Only the following pins can be used as inputs on the ESP32:
0-19, 21-23, 25-27, 32-39
button_event_t ev;
QueueHandle_t button_events = button_init(BIT64(BUTTON_1) | BIT64(BUTTON_2));
while (true) {
if (xQueueReceive(button_events, &ev, 1000/portTICK_PERIOD_MS)) {
if (( == BUTTON_1) && (ev.event == BUTTON_DOWN)) {
// ...
if (( == BUTTON_2) && (ev.event == BUTTON_DOWN)) {
// ...
Triggered when the button is first considered pressed.
Triggered when the button is considered released. In most cases you can use either the UP or DOWN event for your application, and ignore the other.
Triggered starting after 2 seconds of long holding a button and then every 50ms thereafter.