Use ollama
within Clojure project.
(require '[ollama-clj.core :as o])
(def client (o/->Client "http://localhost:11434"))
(def messages
[{:role "user"
:content "Why is the sky blue?"}])
(-> (o/chat client "mistral" messages)
or with streaming option:
(require '[ollama-clj.core :as o])
(def client (o/->Client "http://localhost:11434"))
(def messages
[{:role "user"
:content "Why is the sky blue?"}])
;; note the streaming flag!
(doseq [part (o/chat client "mistral" messages {:stream true})]
(print (-> part :message :content)))
For more usages reach out to examples/
If you want to gain control over the way of executing ollama
calls, you can implement your own client simply by using record and protocol like so:
(defrecord MyClient [url]
(request [_this method endpoint opts]
(stream [_this method endpoint opts]
(request-stream [this method endpoint {:keys [stream?] :as opts}]
(if stream?
(.stream this method endpoint opts)
(.request this method endpoint opts))))
- - Python library for ollama (big inspiration for this project)
- - aleph/manifold streaming docs