A mod for Rimworld available on steam here
Bulk assignment of colonists and animals to outfits, areas, drugs, food, work in one single action.
Allows to set a default outfit, food, drug when a colonist, prisoner or slave joins the colony.
Emergency' button to toggle the configured policies at once in one click or keyboard shorcut.
- Create a policy either for animals or for colonists by clicking the cog icon
- Select and activate a new created policy by clicking on the button next to the cog icon
- Configure the policy by setting the areas, outfits, drugs, etc as you always do
- Done.
Repeat this process for other policies and THEN change between them in one click. WIN! You can also setup a default outfit, food and drug when a new colonist joins your colony
This mod was first released on Rimword Alpha 15 and is essencially a quality of life (QoL) mod to minimise pawns micro-management.
- Fluffy for all the help with Animal Tab integration!
- Skyarkhangel for all the support with Combat Realism integration. Kudos for you!
- Marnador for the logo font
- Lauri7x3 for german translation
- Coldmoon for korean translation
- debugzxcv for the patches optimisation
- boundir for french translation
- Proxyer for japanese translation
- 53N4 and Crusader for spanish translation
- Dango998 for chinese simplified translation
- muggenhor for AutoCleaner integration
- Deno226 for v2.4 contributions and polish translation
- TheLonerD for WorkTab inner priorities integation + Misc. Robots integration
- Ionfrigate for french and chinese updated and 1.5 updates
- DomB for integrated medical UI buttons & Ideology compatibility fixes