This project provides a twitch chat interface for the OWI Robotic arm, as well as megapi. It is intended to run on Raspberry Pi, but can be used on any linux computer.
If you're using a camera, I reccomend first installing mjpg_streamer. it provides a fast low latency stream you can injest into your streaming software of choice.
- Requires Python 3.12
- Download Python, extract the folder.
- Enter the folder and run the commands
sudo make -j 4
sudo make altinstall
- run
python3.8 -V
to verify you have the right version.
- Download the robotic_arm_driver submodule
- Install your kernel headers this will require
sudo apt install build-essential raspberrypi-kernel-headers
- Then compile the driver
cd ./robotic_arm_driver
- This should output a robotic_arm.ko file that will be used as the arm's driver.
- open the twitch_arm/ directory
- create a .env file with the following variables
# ./.env
TMI_TOKEN=oauth:abcd123 # Twitch oauth key
CLIENT_ID=oinhaoifsas # Twitch client id
BOT_NICK=my_twitch_robot # Twitch client nickname, this matches the bots screename
BOT_PREFIX=! # The character that will prefix all the bot commands.
CHANNEL=my_twitch_channel # The channel the bot will join.
- Edit the TwitchBot.service file so
is the same directory as, andExecStart=
points to - Commands can be configured in the file.
- Install the kernel module
insmod robotic_arm_driver/robotic_arm.ko
- Configure permissions on the devices
sudo chmod -R 777 /sys/bus/usb/drivers/robotic_arm/*
- Run the bot
pipenv run python
- The script will search for available devices, and move one at a time and ask for an "l" or "r" to define the left and right arm.
- Once the devices are discovered, you will see a message "Logged in as | ". Your robot is now online!
- Copy the service file into systemd
sudo cp TwitchBot.service /etc/systemd/system/TwitchBot.service
- Reload the daemon, and enable the service.
sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl enable TwitchBot
- Start the service.
sudo systemctl start TwitchBot
- Check on the bot's status
sudo systemctl status TwitchBot
All movement commands can be ammended with a time in seconds to run.
Opens the grabber!gripclose
Closes the grabber!baseleft
Turns the base left!baseright
Turns the base right!wristup
Tilts the wrist up!wristdown
Tilts the wrist down!elboup
Tilts the elbow up!elbowdown
Tilts the elbow down!shoulderup
Tilts the shoulder up!shoulderdown
Tilts the shoulder down