Static RAM is a type of random-access memory that uses latching circuitry (flip-flop) to store each bit.
The Size of SRAM Specs is 32kbit/4k Bytes with 1.8v.
To get insight of mem4kBytesOr32kbits design Specifications, check this.
A 6T sram pairs up with two access transistors for read, write state and cross coupled inverter to hold/regenerate the state.
During write operation i.e., to write Q=0 while initial Q=vdd or 1, when the voltage at node Q reaches to a threshold voltage wherein PMOS M5 gets ON and the voltage at node Qbar starts to rise and the regenerative action of the cross-coupled inverter will force the write Q = 0. To write logic 0, Bitlline should be logic 0 and BLbar is complemented to 1. Wordline is high.
During Read operation i.e., to read Q=vdd or 1, when the voltage at node Qbar reaches to a threshold voltage wherein NMOS M3 gets ON and the voltage at node Q starts to fall and cross-coupled inverter state will force to flip the bit in a cell. Wordline is high.
Cell Ratio is the ratio between the sizes of the driver transistor to access transistor.
From the circuit diagram reprsentation(transistor labels); For OSU180nm Technology.
CR = ((W3/L3)/(W2/L2))=((W4/L4)/(W6/L6))=((0.36u/0.18u)/(0.36u/0.18u))=1
Pull-up Ratio is the ratio between load transistor to the access transistor.
PR = ((W1/L1)/(W2/L2))=((W5/L5)/(W6/L6))=((0.9u/0.18u)/(0.36u/0.18u))=2.5
The Circuit design of 6T SRAM alongwith Precharge, Sense amplifier is designed solely in opensouce tool and its characterstics is analyzed. As a post layout stage, the design's layout is drawn and spice netlist is extracted. As a part of upcoming work the next step is post layout simulation, verifying it with pre layout. The32kbit and PnR (Place and Route) flow and lastly GDS to be released.
The user of this IP has to install Ngspice
for Circuit simulation and Magic
for Layout.
For ubuntu linux
To Install Ngspice, Open terminal and Type
sudo apt-get install -y ngspice
Download the Zip file or use
git clone
Change the path or directory using
cd vsdsram/Circuit-Inv
to view the circuit. -
Change the path or directory using
cd vsdsram/Netlist
to run the simulation.
Go to the path or directory using
cd vsdsram/Netlist
To simulate transient Analysis type :
ngspice Sram.cir.out
in terminalngspice 1 -> source Sram.cir.out
ngspice 1 -> plot q
ngspice 1 -> plot qbar
ngspice 1 -> plot q qbar
ngspice 1 -> plot bl
ngspice 1 -> plot blbar
ngspice 1 -> plot bl blbar
To simulate dc Analysis
Type :ngspice sramdc.cir.out
ngspice 1 -> plot bl q
To exit from Ngspice Shell type:
ngspice 1 -> exit
Magic is a venerable VLSI layout tool, written in the 1980's at Berkeley by John Ousterhout, now famous primarily for writing the scripting interpreter language Tcl. Magic has remained popular with universities and small companies.
For ubuntu linux
Download Magic from this link
Open Terminal and type below commands.
cd Downloads/
tar xzf magic-7.5.232.tgz
cd magic-7.5.232/
sudo apt-get install m4
sudo apt-get install tcl-dev
sudo apt-get install tk-dev
sudo apt-get install blt
sudo apt-get install freeglut3
sudo apt-get install libglut3
sudo apt-get install libgl1-mesa-dev
sudo apt-get install libglu1-mesa-dev
sudo apt-get install csh
sudo make
sudo make install
Install Qflow & It will install all necessary open source tools including magic.
Download qflow from this link
Open Terminal and type below commands.
cd Downloads/
tar xzf qflow-1.4.83.tgz
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install qflow
Open the repository and change directory to
cd vsdsram/Layout
To view the layout, type on terminal :
magic sram6.mag
ormagic -T sram6.mag
Similarly for precharge and senseamplifier:
magic precharge6.mag
&magic senseamplifier6.mag
To extract the spice netlist : Go to Tkcon window and type these commands.
extract all
ext2spice rthresh 0 cthresh 0
To include Parasitics in spice netlist
Note: IP is yet under process and yet to release as a final view.
But incase if any difficulties with respect to IP Usage so far, contact the administrator or report as github Issue.
Anusha R
- Anusha.R Mtech (VLSI Design and Embedded Systems), Bangalore. [email protected]
- Kunalghosh Director VSD [email protected]
- PHILIPP GUHRING Software Architect at LibreSilicon Association [email protected]
- Dr. GAURAV TRIVEDI Co-Principal Investigator,ECIT Academy and Associative Professor, EEE Department, IIT Guwahati [email protected]