This repository contains notes and assignment for the University of Pennsylvania/Coursera in the Robotics Specialization: Aerial Robotics. If you are student in this course, please do not plagiarize this work as it violates the Honor Code.
You will find three assignments:
- Assignment 1 : The goal for this task is develop a PD controller for a quadrotor to control the height.
- Assignment 2 : Design of a PID controller to follow two trajectory: Line and sine wave trajectory (2D).
- Assignment 3 : Design of a PID controller for a quadrotor in 3D.
What I learned:
- Quadrotor Kinematics and Dynamics;
- Planning and Control for Quadrotors;
- Introduction to Nonlinear Control.
- Coursera Page for Robotics specialization
- Coursera Page for Aerial Robotics