It shows how to create an Akka cluster in groovy / java. You can start unlimited number of server nodes and clients. However you need at least 2 seed server nodes (see below how to start them).
It’s configured to run on localhost by default. If you want to test it over network just setup IP addresses / names correctly in application.conf and MainClusterClient (there is config string ;) ). Do not forget to turn off firewalls or open needed ports (e.g. 2551 and 2552 for seed nodes).
- cluster-common - contains actors and messages
- cluster-master - server provides services
- cluster-client - connects to server
You need gradle in version 1.10 and Java 7 Run
gradle build
Each server and client part can be run multiple times to simulate multiple server nodes in cluster and clients.
Goto folder cluster-master and run
gradle run -Pmaster
It’ll start node as master seed node. To start second seed node run:
gradle run -Pslave
To run more work nodes just type
gradle run
- Start node as first seed node (you need at least one instance)
- Start node as second seed node (you need at least one instance)
- Set the node to greeter type. It means it will react only to Greating messages. Without nodeType parameter it will be set to calculator type (Calculate messages).
Go to folder cluster-client and run
gradle run
It will start client node as calculator type and start sending Calculate messages to cluster.
To run client as greeter type just run
gradle run -PclientType=greeter