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Technical Guide for wai aria practices

Erika Miguel edited this page Jun 7, 2022 · 2 revisions


About Submodules

  • Aria-practices is a submodule of wai-aria-practices
  • Wai-aria-practices is a submodule of the larger WAI site
  • "data" is a submodule of wai-aria-practices which is required by WAI

About the pipeline

  • Content is authored in the aria-practices repo
  • ReSpec: The content is converted into a spec-style document by ReSpec
  • Prebuild Script: In the wai-aria-practices repo, the ReSpec document is transformed by the prebuild script

These folders are emptied / deleted whenever the prebuild script runs and then repopulated:

  • content
  • ARIA/apg/example-index
  • content-images/wai-aria-practices/generated

There are other folders with CSS and other assets:

  • _includes
  • _plugins
  • content-assets
  • content-images
  • Jekyll build: In the wai-aria-practices repo, after the prebuild script has been run, Jekyll will build the site. When deploying to production, Jekyll build will be run by a WAI system.

Pipeline overview
