Templates rendering plugin support for hapi.js.
Lead Maintainer - Jeffrey Jagoda
vision decorates the server, request, and reply interfaces with additional methods for managing view engines that can be used to render templated responses. vision also provides a built-in handler implementation for creating templated responses.
You will need to install vision
using something like npm install --save vision
before you can register it.
const server = new Hapi.Server();
server.connection({ port: 8080 });
server.register(require('vision'), (err) => {
if (err) {
console.log("Failed to load vision.");
NOTE: Vision is included with and loaded by default in Hapi < 9.0.
See API.md for detailed usage information.
vision is compatible with most major templating engines out of the box. Engines that don't follow the normal API pattern can still be used by mapping their API to the vision API. Working code for the following examples can be found in the examples directory.
const server = new Hapi.Server();
server.connection({ port: 8000 });
const rootHandler = function (request, reply) {
reply.view('index', {
title: 'examples/views/ejs/index.js | Hapi ' + request.server.version,
message: 'Index - Hello World!'
server.register(require('vision'), (err) => {
if (err) {
throw err;
engines: { ejs: require('ejs') },
relativeTo: __dirname,
path: 'templates'
server.route({ method: 'GET', path: '/', handler: rootHandler });
const server = new Hapi.Server();
server.connection({ port: 8000 });
const handler = function (request, reply) {
reply.view('basic/index', {
title: 'examples/views/handlebars/basic.js | Hapi ' + request.server.version,
message: 'Hello World!'
server.register(require('vision'), (err) => {
if (err) {
throw err;
engines: { html: require('handlebars') },
path: __dirname + '/templates'
server.route({ method: 'GET', path: '/', handler: handler });
const server = new Hapi.Server();
server.connection({ port: 8000 });
const rootHandler = function (request, reply) {
reply.view('index', {
title: 'examples/views/jade/index.js | Hapi ' + request.server.version,
message: 'Index - Hello World!'
const aboutHandler = function (request, reply) {
reply.view('about', {
title: 'examples/views/jade/index.js | Hapi ' + request.server.version,
message: 'About - Hello World!'
server.register(require('vision'), (err) => {
if (err) {
throw err;
engines: { jade: require('jade') },
path: __dirname + '/templates',
compileOptions: {
pretty: true
server.route({ method: 'GET', path: '/', handler: rootHandler });
server.route({ method: 'GET', path: '/about', handler: aboutHandler });
const server = new Hapi.Server();
server.connection({ port: 8000 });
const rootHandler = function (request, reply) {
reply.view('index', {
title: 'examples/views/mustache/index.js | Hapi ' + request.server.version,
message: 'Index - Hello World!'
server.register(require('vision'), (err) => {
if (err) {
throw err;
engines: {
html: {
compile: function (template) {
return function (context) {
return Mustache.render(template, context);
relativeTo: __dirname,
path: 'templates'
server.route({ method: 'GET', path: '/', handler: rootHandler });
const server = new Hapi.Server();
server.connection({ port: 8000 });
const rootHandler = function (request, reply) {
reply.view('index', {
title: 'examples/views/nunjucks/index.js | Hapi ' + request.server.version,
message: 'Index - Hello World!'
server.register(require('vision'), (err) => {
if (err) {
throw err;
engines: {
html: {
compile: function (src, options) {
var template = Nunjucks.compile(src, options.environment);
return function (context) {
return template.render(context);
prepare: function (options, next) {
options.compileOptions.environment = Nunjucks.configure(options.path, { watch : false });
return next();
path: Path.join(__dirname, 'templates')
server.route({ method: 'GET', path: '/', handler: rootHandler });