An implementation of IBN-Net, proposed in "Two at Once: Enhancing Learning and Generalization Capacities via IBN-Net", ECCV2018 by Xingang Pan, Ping Luo, Jianping Shi, Xiaoou Tang.
For the Pytorch implementation, you can refer to IBN-Net
- InstanceNorm2d
- bottleneck_ibn
- Resnet50-IBNA
- Resnet50-IBNB
- Multi-thread inference
- generate .wts
// for ibn-a
python a
a file 'resnet50-ibna.wts' will be generated.
// for ibn-b
python b
a file 'resnet50-ibnb.wts' will be generated.
- cmake and make
mkdir build cd build cmake .. make
- build engine and run classification
// put resnet50-ibna.wts/resnet50-ibnb.wts into tensorrtx/ibnnet
// go to tensorrtx/ibnnet
./ibnnet -s // serialize model to plan file ./ibnnet -d // deserialize plan file and run inference