A little about me...
- ⚙ I first started my career with 5 years in mechanical engineering and management
- 💡 This past year, I took a gap year and explored software engineering and web development. I've always loved math, dating as far back as high school math competitions. This exploration reignited the part of me that loves and missed solving logic problems
- 🌱 I decided to pivot my career and pursue my passion for coding, building independent projects and studying online resources, including algorithms & data structures, web development tutorials, and software engineering forums
- 👩🎓 I sought formal instruction and recently graduated from Fullstack Academy's web development immersive program
- 🌎 Outside of class, I have had the opportunity to contribute to open-source and nonprofit projects
- 💻 I'm looking for opportunities to build and maintain software solutions
- ❤ I am enamored by the power of coding and the beauty of logical, clean code!
- Primary: JavaScript, TypeScript, Java, HTML, CSS, React.js, Vite, Redux.js, Node.js, Express.js, REST APIs, Git, GitHub
- Knowledgeable/Proficient: SCSS, Tailwind, Next.js, Vue.js, Vercel, SQL, PostgreSQL, Prisma ORM, DBeaver, JWT Authentication, Netlify, Cloudflare, Render (Cloud Application Platform), Google Cloud Platform (GCP), Google App Engine, Figma
- Currently Learning: Containerization (Docker)