An Azure Function that checks if a user is a sponsor of you.
This function could be used to help introduce some sponsorware to your software to remove sponsor messages or to add additional functionality for sponsors only.
It runs the following GraphQL query & returns a JSON result if the logged in GitHub user with a token sent to the API endpoint is a valid sponsor.
If you find it useful to yourself or your business then to check if you have a valid GitHub user as a sponsor then I would love you to consider sponsoring me on Github please
✔️ Is it yourself ?
✔️ Is the user a member of an organisation - that you want to allow all members of to have access
✔️ Check all repos that the logged in user has contributed to see if they have contributed with a commit
✔️ Check all sponsors of the logged in user to see if they are an active sponsor
viewer {
organization(login: "umbraco") {
repositoriesContributedTo(first: 100, contributionTypes:[COMMIT, PULL_REQUEST], after: "") {
nodes {
pageInfo {
sponsorshipsAsSponsor(first: 100, after: "") {
nodes {
sponsorable {
... on User {
pageInfo {
"validSponsor": true
Set the following AppSetting keys in the Azure portal for this function or local.settings.json file at the root if you wish to run & debug locally.
AppSetting Key | Value | Example |
GITHUB_SPONSOR_USER_TO_VERIFY | The username on GitHub you wish to check if the current logged in user is a sponsoring | warrenbuckley |
GITHUB_ORG_TO_VERIFY | A Github organization username you wish to allow all members of to be valid sponsors | umbraco |
GITHUB_REPO_HAS_CONTRIBS | A Github repo to check if the user has made a contribution to verify as being a valid sponsor | warrenbuckley/iis-express-code |
GITHUB_BYPASSED_USERS | A CSV list of GitHub usernames that can bypass the sponsorware check | warrenbuckley,CastellanSystems,SomeOtherUser |
"IsEncrypted": false,
"Values": {
"AzureWebJobsStorage": "",
"GITHUB_ORG_TO_VERIFY": "umbraco",
"GITHUB_REPO_HAS_CONTRIBS": "warrenbuckley/iis-express-code",
"GITHUB_BYPASSED_USERS": "john_john,CastellanSystems,FooBar2"
The requested token for a user needs the following scopes
With the release of VSCode 1.48+ the VSCode extension APIs allow you to request a token on behalf of your extension & VSCode will deal with the OAuth flow for you.
Check out the VSCode samples repository for usage
Once you have retrieved a token for a user authenticated to GitHub, you would then be able to make a HTTP request to the Azure Function with the token that VSCode gives back to you through its APIs.