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FutureGov knowledge

A rails internal wiki that showcases artefacts, guides and templates for FutureGov.

📝 Uses the Fae CMS to manage content. Find it at /admin.

🕵️‍♀️ Search is powered by the pg_search gem. Edits to searchable documents automatically trigger rebuilds of the search index.

🚨 Access is gated to users with Google accounts under the right domain.


  • ruby and rails 5.2 or greater
  • A running PostgreSQL database (search won't work with SQLite)
  • An AWS account with S3, to handle media uploads
  • A Google API key for login/identity

Running it locally

  1. Clone the repo, run bundle install and rails db:setup
  2. Make sure that API keys are set for Google and AWS. Edit them with rails credentials:edit. You need a master.key file in the /config folder to decrypt credentials.

Running it on the internet

Works fine on Heroku with no extra steps.

The credentials are checked into the repo in the new way, and a single environment variable must be supplied to decrypt them.

  1. Deploy master branch to Heroku
  2. Make sure the RAILS_MASTER_KEY environment variable is set so credentials can be decrypted.
  3. Run rails db:migrate from the Heroku console to prepare the database schema
  4. Run rails fae:seed_db to create the initial content for the CMS

If you run into trouble, check:

⚠️ Make sure that the Heroku domain is whitelisted with the Google API key being used

⚠️ Make sure that the S3 bucket exists and the bucket name, region and credentials are correct