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Paycom integration template

This is not a complete implementation of the Merchant API, instead a basic template. One MUST implement all the todo: entries found in the source files according his/her own requirements.

Table of Content


  • PHP 5.4 or greater
  • MySQL or MariaDB latest stable version
  • PDO extension
  • Composer dependency manager


Clone this repository:

$ git clone

Change working directory:

$ cd paycom-integration-php-template

Generate auto-loader, this step will create vendor/ folder with autoloader:

$ composer dumpautoload

Copy the sample config file as paycom.config.php and adjust the settings according to your needs:

$ cp paycom.config.sample.php paycom.config.php

Edit paycom.config.php and set your settings there:

  • Set merchant_id;
  • Do not change the login, it is always Paycom;
  • Set a path to the password file in the keyFile;
  • Adjust connection settings in the db key to your mysql database.

Following is an example paycom.config.php configuration file content:

return [
    'merchant_id' => '69240ea9058e46ea7a1b806a',
    'login'       => 'Paycom',
    'keyFile'     => 'password.paycom',
    'db'          => [
        'host'     => 'localhost',
        'database' => 'db_shop',
        'username' => 'db_shop_admin',
        'password' => 'bh6U8M8tR5sQGsfLVHdB'

and an example password.paycom file content:


If you need to adjust other database settings, such as character set, you can do that in the Paycom/Database.php file.

Transactions table

This template requires transactions table at least with the following structure:

CREATE TABLE `transactions` (
  `id`                    INT(11)      NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
  `paycom_transaction_id` VARCHAR(25)  NOT NULL COLLATE 'utf8_unicode_ci',
  `paycom_time`           VARCHAR(13)  NOT NULL COLLATE 'utf8_unicode_ci',
  `paycom_time_datetime`  DATETIME     NOT NULL,
  `create_time`           DATETIME     NOT NULL,
  `perform_time`          DATETIME     NULL     DEFAULT NULL,
  `cancel_time`           DATETIME     NULL     DEFAULT NULL,
  `amount`                INT(11)      NOT NULL,
  `state`                 TINYINT(2)   NOT NULL,
  `reason`                TINYINT(2)   NULL     DEFAULT NULL,
  `receivers`             VARCHAR(500) NULL     DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'JSON array of receivers' COLLATE 'utf8_unicode_ci',
  `order_id`              INT(11)      NOT NULL,

  PRIMARY KEY (`id`)


Additional fields can be added into this table or above data types and sizes can be adjusted.

Orders table

You also need a table to store info about orders. Here is a sample table definition:

  product_ids VARCHAR(255)   NOT NULL,
  amount      DECIMAL(18, 2) NOT NULL,
  state       TINYINT(1)     NOT NULL,
  user_id     INT            NOT NULL,
  phone       VARCHAR(15)    NOT NULL
) ENGINE = InnoDB;

Additional fields can be added into this table or above data types and sizes can be adjusted.

Additional resources


In the merchant cabinet on the cashbox settings point the endpoint to your Merchant API implementation. Assuming your domain is, and your Merchant API implementation is located under api/ folder or a URL rewriting is configured to access API by, then endpoint should be set as

File Structure

Following is the brief description of the files:

File/Folder Description
index.php An entry script, that loads configuration, initializes and runs an application instances.
paycom.config.sample.php Sample configuration file with fake values.
paycom.config.php Configuration file with actual values. Initially isn't present. Should be copied from paycom.config.sample.php
paycom.password Default file to set the KEY obtained from the Merchant Cabinet. Set in the config file via keyFile. Remove any whitespaces and EOL characters before save.
functions.php Contains additional functions. Right now it has only one function to retrieve headers from $_SERVER superglobal variable on Apache and Nginx.
Paycom/ A folder, that contains all required and helper classes.
Application.php A main class to instantiate the new application and handle all requests.
Database.php A class to setup the new connections to the underlying database.
Request.php A helper class to parse request's payload.
Response.php A helper class to send responses to the requester.
Format.php A utility class to format data.
Transaction.php A class to handle transaction related tasks. Contains todo: items that must be implemented.
Merchant.php A helper class to authorize requesters of the API.
PaycomException.php A custom exception class to send error responses.
Order.php A class to handle order/service related tasks.
vendor/ Auto generated with Composer folder that contains autoloader.
Dockerfile Dockerfile to build an image with PHP v7, Apache v2.4, Composer.
docker-compose.yml Compose file to easily setup & run Merchant API implementation on the docker containers.
.gitignore Git ignore file.
composer.json Config file to handle dependencies and autoloader. Read more here Description and documentation of this template.

Set Up and Run Merchant API implementation on Docker Containers

In cases that there is no PHP/Apache/Nginx/MySQL on your production platforms you can easily and quickly setup and run the Merchant API implementation using docker containers.

Here we will build docker images for Paycom Merchant API and optionally for MySQL.

Dockerfile contains statements to build an image for Merchant API. This image is based on PHP v7 and Apache 2.4, but also includes PDO and PDO_MYSQL extensions. There are also statements to install the latest version of Composer.

By editing docker-compose.yml file you can adjust exposed ports, volumes.

If you need more info about base images and docker commands look at the following links:

Build the images:

docker-compose build

Run the containers:

docker-compose up -d

Show the logs:

docker-compose logs -f

Stop the containers:

docker-compose stop

Stop and remove the containers:

docker-compose down

Test the endpoint via cURL command:

curl -X POST \
  http://localhost:8888/ \
  -H 'Authorization: Basic UGF5Y29tOktleUZyb21NZXJjaGFudENhYmluZXQ=' \
  -H 'Cache-Control: no-cache' \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -d '{
	"id": 1,
    "method" : "CheckPerformTransaction",
    "params" : {
        "amount" : 50000,
        "account" : {
            "phone" : "901304050"

Authorization header contains Base64 decoded Paycom:KEY_FROM_CABINET login and password.

For testing purposes you can quickly Base64 decode the login & password with this online tool.

You should get something like the following response (below the response is formatted, but you will get raw responses):

    "id": 1,
    "result": null,
    "error": {
        "code": -31050,
        "message": {
            "ru": "Неверный код заказа.",
            "uz": "Harid kodida xatolik.",
            "en": "Incorrect order code."
        "data": "order_id"


PRs are welcome. GL&HF!


Set of classes to easy integration with Paycom (Payme) payment system






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  • PHP 98.4%
  • Dockerfile 1.6%