MS-DArT-seq: A cost-effective approach to DNA methylation detection by Methyl Sensitive DArT sequencing.
This repository contains the analytical code necessary to reproduce the results described in the paper: "A cost-effective approach to DNA methylation detection by Methyl Sensitive DArT sequencing."
The datasets necessary to reproduce the results can be find in figshare:
- R : 3.5.1
- trimmomatic : 0.36
- bowtie2 : 2.3.5
- samtools : 1.8
- bedtools : 2.27.1
- subread : 1.6.2
- fastqc : 0.11.4
- alluvial: 0.1.2
- berryFunctions: 1.18.2
- corrplot: 0.84
- data.table: 1.12.2
- docopt: 0.6.1
- doMC: 1.3.5
- dplyr: 0.8.3
- foreach: 1.4.4
- gdata: 2.18.0
- ggfortify: 0.4.6
- ggplot2: 3.2.1
- ggsci: 2.9
- ggthemes: 4.2.0
- googleVis: 0.6.3
- gridExtra: 2.3
- gridGraphics: 0.4.1
- Matching: 4.9.6
- plyr: 1.8.4
- RColorBrewer: 1.1.2
- reshape2: 1.4.3
- sjstats: 0.17.6
- splitstackshape: 1.4.8
- stringr: 1.4.0
- tidyr: 1.0.0
- tidyverse: 1.2.1
- VennDiagram: 1.6.20
- AnnotationForge: 1.24.0
- biomaRt: 2.38.0
- clusterProfiler: 3.10.1
- DESeq2: 1.22.2
- edgeR: 3.24.3
- GenomicRanges: 1.34.0
- ggbio: 1.30.0
- Gviz: 1.26.5
- rtracklayer: 1.42.2