A draft of e-commerce site. NOTE. Project in progress.
Main implemented features:
- Categories might include other categories or products;
- Categories with products include extensive filtering (price, brand, various attributes);
- Each product might have several subproducts with different size, color, price etc.;
- Recommendation of complementary products;
- Rating of products;
- Search;
- Stripe payment;
- Generation of pdf invoices and notifications.
Not added yet:
- Product reviews;
- Internationalization;
- Stock information in DB;
- Tests.
- Python 3.10+, JS(ES6);
- Django 4 with Django templates;
- PostgresSQL - main DB, advanced search functionalities;
- Celery with RabbitMQ - email notifications;
- Redis - recommendation engine for compelementary products;
- Docker.
# Create and activate virtual environment
python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
# Install dependencies
pip install -r requirements.txt
# Install weasypring (for MacOs)
brew install weasyprint
# Rename .env-example to .env and amend it's data
mv .env-example .env
# Run services with docker-compose
docker compose up -d --build
# Apply migrations
python3 manage.py migrate
# Fill DB with test data
python3 manage.py load_data
# Collect static
python3 manage.py collectstatic
# Start server
python3 manage.py runserver
# Check page