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SCHISM-toolbox (v1.0-beta)

This is a MATLAB toolbox designed for the Semi-implicit Cross-scale Hydroscience Integrated System Model (SCHISM).

Last updated on 27 Aug 2023 by Wenfan Wu, CCRM, Virginia Institute of Marine Science.


MATLAB Version: 2014b and above

Official Add-Ons (Mandatory):
Image Processing Toolbox (drawpolygon, drawline);
Mapping Toolbox (ispolycw, distance)

Public packages (Recommended):
OceanMesh2D M_Map

Notes: OceanMesh2D is only required when you are using mesh2schism.m function; M_MAP is only used in calc_schism_cradius.m;


The following steps show the complete workflow to genearte input files with this toolbox. Refer to the first example (Exp1_BYS_main.m) in this toolbox for more details.

Step-1: Load the mesh grid

This part aims to load the mesh grid generated from OceanMesh2D, and then all the grid info. will be stored in a datastruct named 'Mobj' (viz. mesh object).

mesh_file = 'Exp2_BYS_CoSiNE\inputs\BYS_20814.mat'; % NEED TO BE CHANGED
Mobj = mesh2schism(mesh_file); 
Mobj.expname = 'Exp1_BYS';      
Mobj.time = (datetime(2020,6,1):hours(1):datetime(2020,6,10))'; 
Mobj.rundays = days(Mobj.time(end)-Mobj.time(1)+1); 
Mobj.dt = 150;  % dt (secs), the same as in param.nml
Mobj.coord = 'geographic';  % geographic or Cartesian coordinate

All input files generated afterwards will be placed in the directory where the mesh_file is located;

If your mesh grid is generated from the other softwares (e.g. SMS), just use the 'read_schism_hgrid.m' function to create the 'Mobj' datastruct, and the remaining workflow is the same. Refer to Exp3_CORIE_LSC2.m for more details.

Step-2: Activated modules

This part aims to select activated modules for your simulation.

Mobj = call_schism_tracers(Mobj);

This is a purely hydrodynamic case and thus there are only two activated tracers (temp & salt).

Step-3: Horizontal grids

This part aims to visualize the horizontal grids and generate hgrid.gr3 and hgrid.ll files.

figure('Color', 'w')
disp_schism_hgrid(Mobj, [1 0])
axis image
hold on
plot_schism_bnds(Mobj, [1 1], 'Color', 'k')

% write the hgrid.gr3 and hgrid.ll files 
Figure 1 Model domain

Figure 1. Model domain.

Step-4: Check the grid quality

This part aims to check the inverse CFL constraints and hydrostatic assumption.

% check the invese CFL constraints

% display the Max. acceptable resolutions as a function of water depth 

% check the hydrostatic assumption

For more details about the grid quality, please refer to the SCHISM manual.


Figure 2. Check the inverse CFL constraints for horizontal grids.


Figure 3. The Max. acceptable resolutions as a function of water depth .


Figure 4. The nodes that violate the hydrostatic assumption.

Step-5: Vertical grids

This part aims to generate the vertical grids (, and visualize the vertical layers at a given transect.

% option-1: LSC2 coordinates
dep_edges = [10, 20, 30, 45, 55, 65, 75, 90];
dep_nums =  [20 21 22 23 24 25 27 28];
Mobj = gen_schism_LSC2(Mobj, dep_edges, dep_nums, [4 5 3 5], 0.25);

% option-2: SZ coordinates
s_consts = [10, 0.7, 5, 20];
zcors = 20:2:(fix(max(Mobj.depth))+10);
Mobj = gen_schism_SZ(Mobj, s_consts, zcors);

% check the quality of vertical grids
% draw a line on the map and press ENTER
figure('Color', 'w')
disp_schism_hgrid(Mobj, [1 0], 'EdgeAlpha', 0.05, 'LineWidth', 0.5);
sect_info = def_schism_transect(Mobj, -1, 0.01);

% display the vertical layers on your selected transect
disp_schism_vgrid(Mobj, sect_info)

% Write the file. 
write_schism_vgrid(Mobj, 'v5.10');

Draw a line on the map and press ENTER, this part will visualize the vertical layers of selected transect.

The format of has changed since v5.10, and thus you need to specify the version number here (v5.10 or v5.9). v5.10 is the default.

The function def_schism_transect.m provides a variety of methods to define the transect (e.g. straight line, broken line, single points), see the usage of this function for more details.

图像1 图像2

Figure 5. (left) The selected transect; (right) vertical layers along the transect.

Step-6: River inputs

This part aims to add river inputs in the form of element sources (e.g.

SS = def_schism_source(Mobj, [1 0], 'load', 'on');
river_info = match_rivers(SS.source.lonc, SS.source.latc, SS.source.elems);

river_info = add_river_runoff(river_info, Mobj.time, 'real_time');

tracer_list = {'temp', 'salt'};
river_info = add_river_tracer(river_info, tracer_list, 'real_time');

D = prep_river_source(river_info, tracer_list);
write_schism_source_nc(Mobj, D,  tracer_list)

Left-click the points at the center of elements to select river sources (activate the datatips mode first), and press SHIFT to select multiple points simultaneously. The selected river sources will be saved as a MAT file named source_sink.mat.

Two things should be done before preparing your own application.

  1. prepare your own example_river_data.mat file according to your needs.

  2. add corresponding rivers in the match_rivers.m function.

River can also be added in the form of open boundaries but it is not supported in this toolbox so far.

Step-7: Initial Conditions

This part aims to prepare the inital fields (e.g. elev.ic, temp.ic, and

% DS contains the original initial fields with a fixed format:
% 1) 'lon', 'lat', 'depth' vectors must be in ascending order;
% 2) 'depth' vector must be positive; and ensure the range of lon/lat covers you model domain
% 3) 'var' must in the dimension of lon*lat or lon*lat*depth above.

% option-1: real-time initial field from hycom.
DS = prep_schism_init(Mobj, 'hycom_bys'); 

% option-2: monthly clim. initial field from hycom.
% DS = prep_schism_init(Mobj, 'hycom_clim'); 

% option-3: directly download the real-time hycom data from the internet
% DS = prep_schism_init(Mobj, 'hycom_online'); 

varList = {'ssh', 'temp', 'salt'};  % it can be changed if you only want to interpolate for partial variables.
InitCnd = interp_schism_init(Mobj, DS, varList);

% check the interpolation
check_schism_init(Mobj, DS, InitCnd, 'temp')

% option-1: space-varying but vertically uniform initial field (temp.ic&salt.ic)
write_schism_ic(Mobj, 'elev', InitCnd.ssh)
write_schism_ic(Mobj, 'temp', InitCnd.temp(:,1))
write_schism_ic(Mobj, 'salt', InitCnd.salt(:,1))

% option-2: 3D initial fields (
start_time = Mobj.time(1);
Hotstart = write_schism_hotstart(Mobj, InitCnd, start_time);

prep_schism_init.m is a simple wrapper function, and thus you can easily add more data sources in it according to your needs. Just make sure the format of DS meets the requirements given above.


Figure 6. Check the surface and bottom temperature interpolation in the initial field.

Step-8: Boundary Conditions

This part aims to prepare the boundary inputs (e.g. and

% option-1: prepare real-time boundary inputs using hycom data.
DS = prep_schism_bdry(Mobj, 'hycom_bys');

% option-2: prepare monthly clim. boundary inputs using hycom data.
% DS = prep_schism_bdry(Mobj, 'hycom_clim');

BdryCnd = interp_schism_bdry(Mobj, DS);

write_schism_th_nc(Mobj, BdryCnd, 'elev2D')
write_schism_th_nc(Mobj, BdryCnd, 'TEM_3D')
write_schism_th_nc(Mobj, BdryCnd, 'SAL_3D')
write_schism_th_nc(Mobj, BdryCnd, 'uv3D')

% check the temperature interpolation at the begining
check_schism_bdry(Mobj, DS, BdryCnd, 'temp', 1)

% check the consistency between initial fields and boundary inputs
check_schism_icbc(Mobj, 'temp', Mobj.maxLev)

This step can be quite time-consuming if you choose real-time boundary inputs with a high time resolution, especially when the timespan is long.


Figure 7. Check the temperature interpolation along the open boundary on the first day.


Figure 8. Check the consistency of SST in the initial field and the boundary input.

Step-9: Tidal forcing

This part aims to implement tidal forcing at the open boundary (e.g.

% extract tidal forcing
tideList = {'S2','M2','N2','K2', 'K1','P1','O1','Q1'};
TideForc = get_fes2014_tide(Mobj, tideList);   

% kill the potential NaN values adjacent to the coast
field_list = fieldnames(TideForc);
for ii = 2:numel(field_list)
    tide_var = field_list{ii};
    TideForc.(tide_var) = fillmissing(TideForc.(tide_var), 'previous', 1);

TideForc = add_nodal_factors(Mobj, TideForc);
TideForc.cutoff_depth = 10;

bc_flags = [5 5 4 4];
TideForc.nf_temp = 0.8;
TideForc.nf_salt = 0.8;

write_schism_bctides(Mobj, TideForc, bc_flags)

Download the fes2014 tidal products first, and change the directory in the function get_fes2014_tide.m (Lines 40–42).

It is easy to create another function if you want to change tide products, just make sure the returned TidaForc has the same format for the fields inside.

Step-10: Bottom friction

This part aims to prepare the input files related to bottom friction (e.g. drag.gr3).

% Type-1: roughness
z0 = 0.001;  % set constant roughness in the model domain
write_schism_gr3(Mobj, 'rough', z0)

% Type-2: drag
Cd = calc_schism_bfric(Mobj, 1, [0.07 3], 'on');
write_schism_gr3(Mobj, 'drag', Cd)

% Type-3: manning
fmc = 0.025;
write_schism_gr3(Mobj, 'rough', fmc)

Step-11: Misc. files ending in gr3

% shapiro.gr3
shapiro_val = gen_slope_filter2(Mobj, [0.001, 0.05], 0.5, 'on');
write_schism_gr3(Mobj, 'shapiro', shapiro_val)

% windrot_geo2proj.gr3
write_schism_gr3(Mobj, 'windrot_geo2proj', 0)

% albedo.gr3
albedo_val = calc_schism_albedo(Mobj, 1, 'on');
write_schism_gr3(Mobj, 'albedo', albedo_val)

% watertype.gr3
wtypes = 5;
write_schism_gr3(Mobj, 'watertype', wtypes)

% diffmax.gr3 & diffmin.gr3
write_schism_gr3(Mobj, 'diffmax', 1)
write_schism_gr3(Mobj, 'diffmin', 1.0e-6)

% bdef.gr3
bdef_factor = zeros(size(Mobj.depth));
bdef_factor(Mobj.depth<5) = -2;
write_schism_gr3(Mobj, 'bdef', bdef_factor)

% hdif.gr3
hdif = calc_schism_hdif(Mobj, 0.25, 5e-5, 'on');
write_schism_gr3(Mobj, 'hdif', hdif)

The function write_schism_gr3.m makes it easy to generate all the input files ending in 'gr3'.

Step-12: Misc. files ending in prop

tvd_flags = ones(Mobj.nElems, 1);
tvd_flags(Mobj.depthc<5) = 0;
write_schism_prop(Mobj, 'tvd', tvd_flags)

flux_flags = def_schism_fluxflag(Mobj, 2);
write_schism_prop(Mobj, 'fluxflag', flux_flags)

The function write_schism_prop.m makes it easy to generate all the input files ending in 'prop'.

Step-13: Atmospheric forcing

% AtmForc inculdes the extracted atmospheric forcing data with a fixed format:
% 1) lon/lat matrix (nLons*nLats) are generated from the meshgrid function, and in ascending order
% 2) variable matrix should be of nLons*nLats*nTimes
% 3) the 'region' and 'time' fields must cover your simulation period, model domain, respectively.

nFiles = 5; 

write_schism_sflux(AtmForc, 'prc', nFiles)
write_schism_sflux(AtmForc, 'rad', nFiles)
write_schism_sflux(AtmForc, 'air', nFiles)

nFiles is the estimated # of sflux_prc/air/rad_*.nc files. Note that the nFiles can not be too small, since the time_steps of each sflux nc file can not exceed 1000 by default. In addition, write_schism_sflux.m will slightly adjust this value to ensure that each file starts at 0 o'clock in certain day, since the 'hour' component of 'base_date' property is unused in each nc file.

Considering that the raw data of atmospheric forcing is too large, this toolbox does not offer the function to create 'AtmForc', but directly uploads the result.

You need to prepare the AtmForc variable according to the required format, and then use 'write_schism_sflux.m' to create the nc files.


This toolbox was written referring to the fvcom-toolbox developed by Dr. Geoff Cowles et al.

Limitations (To-do List)

  • The toolbox can only be used for purely triangular grid so far, although SCHISM supports mixed triangular/quadrangular grids.
  • only for geographical grids so far.
  • primarily for the input files related to hydrological part so far, while the other modules such as CoSiNE, ICM are not fully supported. However, many interfaces have been reserved for additional modules.
  • rivers can only be added as source points so far, although the river can also be added as boudary inflow in SCHISM.


This toolbox is distributed under the Apache-2.0 license. It is free to use and no profit making is allowed.

If you encounter any problems/bugs when using this toolbox, or if you have any suggestions, please contact [email protected]. Any potential co-developers are highly welcome.


A MATLAB toolbox designed for the SCHISM ocean model








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