#ROCS is a project in initial development!#
This plugin is being developed as an eCommerce platform for Grails.
In order to use this platform, you'll need:
- A database
- A taxCloudID
- A payment privider (Authorize.net or 2Checkout are both currently supported)
In order to use this platform, you'll need:
- A Grails Application ( version 2.x )
- A database
- A USPS shipping API account
- A taxCloud account
- An Authorize.net Payment Gateway & Merchant Account
The USPS shipping API is used to validate billing and shipping addresses entered by your customers. You can sign up for the account by going to https://secure.shippingapis.com/registration/
After you sign up, you will need to add your USPS user id as follows:
- shoppingService.uspsUserId = yourUSPSID
Tax Cloud allows you to accurately charge the correct tax rate for transactions. It is a free service provided to eliminate the guess work when it comes to calculating sales tax. You will need to sign up at https://taxcloud.net/
Once you have signed up, you will need to complete the following:
- Setup all your business locations (This determines when / where you need to charge tax)
- Register your website(Make sure you add a default TIC as this will be the tax information used to determine taxable items)
After that is completed, you will need to add the following to your config.groovy
- shoppingService.taxCloud.loginId = yourAPIID
- shoppingService.taxCloud.apiKey = yourAPIKey
This is the payment provider. This is the service that actually processes the payment.
I would appreciate you supporting my development efforts by signing up through my reseller account. You can do this by going to http://reseller.authorize.net/application/?resellerId=27456 and completing the registration. This is at no additional cost to you or your client.
Once you have set up the account, go to your account settings and:
- setup the MD5Hash
- get ApiLoginId & transaction keys
- set relayResponseUrl(IMPORTANT: this must be set to 'yoursite.com/shoppingCart/authorizePayment')
Setup the following items in your config.groovy:
- shoppingService.paymentProvider = 'authorizeDotNet'
- shoppingService.authorizeDotNet.paymentUrl = 'https://test.authorize.net/gateway/transact.dll' //for testing
- shoppingService.authorizeDotNet.apiLoginID = yourApiLoginId
- shoppingService.authorizeDotNet.transactionKey = yourTransactionKey
- shoppingService.authorizeDotNet.responseUrl = 'yoursite.com/shoppingCart/authorizePayment'
- shoppingService.authroizeDotnet.md5Hash = yourMD5Hash
Optional Fields include:
- shoppingService.acceptPaypal = true
For updates on the progress of this plugin, or to contribute, please visit https://trello.com/b/US35VG1V