FileShelter is a self-hosted software that allows you to easily share files over the Internet. Just upload a file and get an URL back!
The aim is to provide a very simple web application, with few package dependencies, so that anyone can install it on his own server.
A demo instance is available, with the following limitations:
- Maximum duration is set to 3 days
- Maximum download limit is set to 10
- Maximum file size is set to 1 MB
- Period of validity (from one hour to years)
- Optional download limit
- Optional password protection
- Practically unique links, using UUID
- Private link, used to remove the file or to check the download counter
- Basic terms of service
Once the expiry date or the download limit is reached, the download is no longer available and the file is deleted.
Check the release page to get the latest package for your distribution.
$ apt-get install build-essential autoconf automake libboost-dev libwtdbosqlite-dev libwthttp-dev libwtdbo-dev libwt-dev libconfig++-dev
You need to install wt from source:
$ yum groupinstall 'Development Tools'
$ yum install boost-devel
$ git clone wt
$ cd wt; mkdir build
$ cmake ../ -DWT_CPP_11_MODE=-std=c++11 -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr
$ make install
Once this is done, you can install fileshelter's extra dependencies:
yum install libconfig-devel
$ git clone fileshelter
$ cd fileshelter
$ autoreconf -vfi
$ mkdir build
$ cd build
$ ../configure --prefix=/usr --sysconfdir=/etc
configure will complain if a mandatory library is missing.
$ make
$ make install
This last command requires root privileges.
FileShelter uses a configuration file, installed in '/etc/fileshelter.conf' It is recommended to edit this file and change the relevant settings (working directory, maximum file size, maximum validity duration, listen port, etc.)
A basic "Terms of Services" is provided, located in '/usr/share/fileshelter/approot/tos.xml'. You may modify it to fit your needs. The configuration file contains the definition of the fields needed by this tos.
It is highly recommended to run fileshelter as a non root user. Therefore make sure the user has write permissions on the working directory.
$ fileshelter
Logs are output in the working directory, in the file 'fileshelter.log'
Alternatively, you may want to specify another configuration file:
$ fileshelter /another/config/file
To connect to FileShelter, just open your favorite browser and go to http://localhost:5091
- Wt, awesome framework:
- Bootstrap: