showMe is a function that makes JSON object to a human readable string.
typeOf is a function that checks the type of JSON object or return the name of the type.
getStr is a function that return a description string of JSON object by burning computer's memory.
getString is a function that retrun a description string of JSON object by burning computer's CPU.
"functionName": true(when object is a function only show its name and "function()");
"maxDepth": 1(means only scan one level of the object 's elements, return a '...' to replace the deeper level's);
"newWindow": true,(show message in a new Browser window)
a: 'b'
,b: 1
,c: [function() {
return 'e';
}]); === alert('[{a:"b",b:1,c:[function (){return \'e\';}]}]');
a: 'b'
,b: 1
,c: [function() {
return 'e';
}], {
'functionNameOnly': true
,'burning': 'CPU'
,'newWindow': false
}); === alert('[{a:"b",b:1,c:[function()]}]');
a: 'b'
,b: 1
,c: [function() {
return 'e';
}], {
functionNameOnly: false
,maxDepth: 1
,burning: 'CPU'
,newWindow: true
}); === function() {
win ='', '', '');
win.document.write('[{a:[object String],b:[object Number],c:[object Array]}]');
} ()
notice: if stack overflow please try to use burnig: 'CPU' ,and set the maxDepth low;
* typeOf({},['object','string']) == true;
* typeOf({},'object) == true;
* typeOf({}) == 'Object'
* typeOf(null, 'Object') == false;
* typeOf(function(){},'function') == true;
* typeOf(undefined, 'undefined') == true;
* typeOf(null,'null') == true;
* typeOf() == 'undefined';
* typeOf(NaN) == 'NaN';
getStr([1, "a", function(){var a = {a: 1};}, true, {b: 2}]); === '[1, "a", function(){var a = {a: 1};}, true, {b: 2}]';
getString([1, "a", function(){var a = {a: 1};}, true, {b: 2}]); === '[1, "a", function(){var a = {a: 1};}, true, {b: 2}]';