PyumIpsum is a keyword/content aware LoremIpsum generator. You supply a word and it'll generate a randomly generator human readable sentence for you. You can also supply a seed word so that the content is not only based on a subject, but can also be seeded with a word you specify.
I will be setting up a demo website and offical API site shortly.
- Markov Generator- I use this to actually generate the sentences. As I better myself in Markov Chains, and language processing, I expect this algorithim to improve.
- Python Natural Language ToolKit- I'll be using this as another way of generating sentences among other things. Word counts, tokenizations, and word frequency.
- Flask- I'm using Flask to power the REST endpoints and the site itself.
- Extend the
of models to a SQLite database. This should allow models to be able to be saved instead of just in memory. - Research possibility of other scrapers.
- Setup demo site and official API site.
- Better error handling & reporting.