It's nice to have you here and thanks for joining!
Your joining is meaning a lot to me as it supports me in focusing on maintaining my projects and up with new ideas instead.
In this GitHub organization, I have several private working-in-progress projects that you can have early access to them and give early feedback/requests or even participate in decision making, those might affect how and where the projects go.
When I feel one project is good enough to be publicized, I might transfer it to my main account @elonehoo, or form a new organization with its collaborators, depending on the project.
You may also find my projects that are already open-sourced on this page.
You can send an email or send a message to my Twitter, pulling you into the organization.
Thank you.
Elone Hoo
- @vite-inspector/vite-inspector - Jump to the local IDE source code while clicking the element of the browser automatically.
- @elonehoo/vitest-plugin-github-actions - GitHub actions error and coverage reporter for Vitest.
- @conver-unocss/unocss-plugin-transform - Let your native CSS undergo magic into UnoCss.