Welcome! Here lives the source code for willlaeri.com
. It's a Next.js project bootstrapped with create-next-app
When a user makes a request to https://willlaeri.com
it first gets routed to DNS servers managed by Google Domains which routes the request to Cloudflare's content delivery network (CDN). Cloudflare forwards the request onto Vercel's edge network which hosts the Next.js application. Next.js is simply a framework for writing server-side rendered (SSR) web applications using React written in TypeScript.
First, make sure you are running the right version of Node.js locally. This step requires
if you don't have it installed already.
nvm use
Then, install package dependencies.
npm i
Finally, run the application in development mode locally.
npm run dev
Open http://localhost:3000 with your browser to see the result. 🎉
First, run the app locally in development mode.
npm run dev
In another terminal, you can run unit tests with Jest and end-to-end testswith Cypress.
npm t
To run performance analysis on the app locally, first build the app for production.
npm run build && npm run start
Then, in another terminal you can run a Lighthouse report on the running production build.
npm run analyze:local
You can also run the Lighthouse analysis against the website deployed to production. It's just a simple site, but it should get some good marks for performance. 😉
npm run analyze:prod
The architecture diagrams are generated by an npm script that reads from the docs/src
npm run docs:generate
The python script to generate the artifacts runs in a docker container that includes the necessary environment dependencies. It has volume bind mounts for the source scripts and the artifacts directories so the output of the process running in the docker container gets written to the local file system at docs/artifacts