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Room cleaning game. Generates random rooms, finds solutions, and check user solutions for each room. Designed for


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Vroomba: The Magical Cleaning Robot

Congratulations on making it to the end of the YSC2229 module!

This project final is designed for you to demonstrate all your acquired algorithmic wrangling skills, while attacking a complex optimisation problem, allowing for multiple possible solutions. I hope, you will enjoy this experience.

This is a team project. When done, submit your solution to the project by creating a tagged release on GitHub and providing a link to it on Canvas.

Project Structure

The code is split into three uneven parts.

  • lib is a collection of the data structures and algorithms we were studying in this class. Feel free to use any of them. In general, you are not expected to modify any files in this folder, although you should feel free to do so, if you think it's necessary. Please, remark on your changes in your report.

  • runners is a folder with a single runner file needed to start your suite for Vroomba exercises (more details below). Some template code is provided there, and you are expected to extend it to match the functionality below. Please, keep the amount of conceptual code there minimal and instead put it in the files in the vroomba folder.

  • vroomba is a folder, where most of your development will take place. It contains a number of files, determining your work split and, to some extent, sub-tasks. Some data type definitions and functions are provided there as templates. Feel free to add whatever definitions you consider necessary. You can also add more files to this folder.

In addition, the folder resources has several non-code files for you to try your implementation.

Your Tasks

The intuition for the project is explained in the lecture notes, and this document focuses on the technical specification.

Your ultimate goal in this endeavour is to implement a tool suite for solving Vroomba navigation problems for arbitrary rooms. The suite is delivered as the executable runner, which, once compiled (into bin/vroomba) can be run from the terminal in multiple execution modes, depending on the first provided command-line argument. These are the runner modes and their corresponding additional arguments:

  • bin/vroomba solve input_file output_file

    In this mode, the runner takes a file with the path input_file containing a number of room encodings, each on a new line, and produces a file output_file of solutions (move strings), one per line.

    An example input file with 10 medium-size problems can be found in resources/rooms.txt. A result of solving it should be a file with 10 strings of Vroomba moves (i.e., each string is something like WWDDDDDSSSAAADDDWWWA but probably longer).

    As another examples the files basic.txt and basic.sol under resources show an examples of a valid input/output with a single room.

    Your solver must be fast: it should take seconds (not even tens of seconds) on the problems of the size of those from rooms.txt.

  • bin/vroomba check input_file solutions_file

    In this mode, the runner takes a file with the path input_file with rooms and a file with the path solutions_file containing solutions and matches, line by line, that each solution in solutions_file is a valid solution to a room in input_file from the corresponding line. Empty lines at the end and at the middle of the files should be ignored.

    This mode should output to the terminal the statistics for the solution for the corresponding problems. For instance for a pair 4-line room/solution files, where the solutions for rooms 1, 2, and 4 are correct, and the one for 3 is wrong, the output should be as follows:

    1: 241
    2: 23
    3: Fail
    4: 12

    In the successful cases, the numbers (e.g., 241) denote the length of the list of moves in the solution. You can use this mode to check your solution produced by the solve mode.

  • bin/vroomba generate num size output_file

    This mode generate num rooms of the size size (the span along either of the dimensions) and write them into output_file, one per line. The result file should have a similar format as resources/roooms.txt.

  • bin/vroomba play input_file output_file

    This mode reads all the rooms from the file input_file and starts a series of "games". Each game allows the user to solve the room by navigating Vroomba in a room, recording the user's moves in the background. Once a room is fully "sweeped", a next room from the sequence is displayed, if any. Once all games are complete, the resulting sequences of the moves for each room are written to the output_file. The resulting should be possible to check against input_file via the check mode of the runner.

    The user should use the keys w, a, s and d to control the movements of Vroomba on a screen and q to exit the game (in this case the results of all complete games should be saved to the file).

    There is no specific requirement on how the game should look. The design of the user interface and possible enhancements are left up to your discretion.

A large part of this project is reserved for testing the various subroutines of your suite (testing of the graphical mode should be done manually). Some initial tests are provided in the files under the vroomba folder, commented out. Make sure that they pass once your implementations are complete. Add more tests checking various properties of our room representations.

Tips and Hints

Workload split

This is a complex project and the good separation of tasks is a key to frustration-free in-team communication. To begin the project, discuss the following components as a team:

  • What should be the type room in and how it's going to be treated.

  • What should be the type state in and how the checker and the solver are going to use its values.

After that, depending on a number of students in your team, you can split the design and implementation workload based on the files in the vroomba folder. I suggest the following strategies, but please, feel free to adapt them for your team.

2-person team:

  1. Test room generation (; solving rooms (
  2. Task room parsing (; testing room solutions (; game rendering (

3-person team:

  1. Task room parsing (; solving rooms (
  2. Test room generation (; testing room solutions (
  3. Game rendering (

Implementation gotchas

  • Vroomba cannot reach the floor surface "around the corners". That is, if you cannot build a segment that does not touch walls or corners between the center of Vroomba's position square and some square S in its reach, it won't be able to clean S (unless it moves closer to it). For instance, Vroomba V cannot clear the square S in the image below, because of the wall W, so it needs to move up to reach S:

     [ ][S]
  • For the gamification part, make sure to revise this simple project and salvage whatever you consider useful for your needs.

  • Useful string-processing functions are available in the library files Also, check how the graphs are parsed.

  • You can enhance the "game" part of the project to visualise and animate your solutions. This is not required for completion, but since you'll probably end up doing it anyway, use the following runner mode:

    bin/vroomba render input_file output_file

    where input_file and output_file provide the rooms/solutions correspondingly. Once done with each individual solution, stop the animation, and proceed to the next one from the file if the key n is pressed. Feel free to play with the delays to choose the optimal animation mode.

  • Even before you implement the advanced visualiser for your problems, you might want to be able to print a given state of your solution checker in the terminal, similarly to how we displayed chess boards in the 8-queen problem when studying backtracking.

  • Since the move sequences for Vroomba are not coordinate-specific but are position-relative, your room data type does not have to keep the exact coordinates of the room polygon in space. Use this fact to represent it via a convenient data structure.

  • Many aspects of this project are open-ended and you are encouraged to reflect on how you can improve on the project part that you are in charge of. For instance:

    • What could be a strategy to find better solutions for Vroomba for arbitrary rooms?
    • How to generate more "interesting" rooms for testing?
    • What could make the game even more fun to play?
  • If, in your visualisation, the frame is "flickering" with every change, it is most probably due to your implementation having to redraw it from scratch every time. This makes the user experience not so pleasant. To avoid this, consider redrawing only the part of the frame affected by the latest changes in the room's state.

  • Make sure that all your components: generator, solver, checker, were tested in tandem, viciously. For the purpose of testing, I will compile a test suite containing a number of rooms generated by each of the teams' implementations and use it for testing all submitted solvers. Feel free to exchange text files with randomly generated room descriptions (but not your program code!) with other teams to make sure your solver is bullet-proof with regard to others' inputs, not just your own.

Comparing the quality of the solutions

Since solving Vroomba navigation is an NP-hard problem (it is from the same class of algorithmic problems as SAT), you are not expected to deliver the best solutions for any room, only a correct one. However, it's always interesting to see if we can do better.

To stimulate the research on better solving strategies, there will be an informal competition amongst the teams, with the ranks allocated according to the overall better algorithmically obtained results for the ten special rooms (in resources/rooms.txt) from the file above. The winners will be announced on Canvas and will be granted the right to openly brag about it. No additional points will be awarded for winning the competition.


I will be checking GitHub repositories to ensure that all members of the team have contributed a substantial amount of non-trivial code to the implementation. In the case if one's contributions are considered minor, a penalty will be applied to their score for this task.

  • Room Solver:
    • correctness: 2
    • performance: 2
  • Room Generator: 2
    • correctness
    • aesthetic properties of the generated rooms
  • Room Checker:
    • correctness & performance: 2
  • Tests for Generator/Solver/Checker: 1
  • Rendering and gamification: 3
    • performance of the animation rendering
    • good use of geometric scaling
    • correctness of the representation
    • overall user experience

Good luck!


Room cleaning game. Generates random rooms, finds solutions, and check user solutions for each room. Designed for







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