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wodeyara committed Mar 17, 2020
0 parents commit f1c4ca8
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Showing 50 changed files with 1,451 additions and 0 deletions.
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# stateSpacePhasePredictor
Estimating phase in real time with a state space model tracking the analytic signal
142 changes: 142 additions & 0 deletions causalPhaseEM_MKmdl.m
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% causal phase estimates using the SP model and EM with fixed interval
% smoothing across windows of data
% primary benefit: assume a transitory burst of oscillatory activity in the
% range of your bandpass filter/ assume a peak shift in the data towards the edge
% of the band pass filter. These are problems unaddressed for instantaneous
% phase estimation right now
% Potential extension: a diffuse prior on x to estimate all frequencies?

% Algorithm:
% after estimating reasonable initialization points we need to run EM on
% the data - at whatever rate makes it possible to run it again before
% getting the next window of data. So while it might be slow here, a C++
% implementation is likely going to be much faster meaning we have have
% small windows (up to the frequency limits of course)

% for the prototype all I need to do i run it on data already collected.
% And split it into whatever sized segments make sense. And then run three
% methods on it to show that the EM approach works best given a certain
% type of data.

% all the pieces should be run together:
% 1. Initialization - Using the MK initialization approach
% 2. Use the EM to estimate parameters from the first window
% 3 Kalman filter with the latest parameter estiamtes
% Last edit: Ani Wodeyar 3/17/2020

function [phase,phaseBounds,allX_full] = causalPhaseEM_MKmdl(y,initParams)

freqs = initParams.freqs;
Fs = initParams.Fs;
ampVec = initParams.ampVec;
sigmaFreqs = initParams.sigmaFreqs;
sigmaObs = initParams.sigmaObs;
windowSize = initParams.window;
lowFreqBand = initParams.lowFreqBand;

if windowSize < Fs
disp('The window size needs to be different. Setting it equal to sampling rate')
windowSize = Fs;

if length(y) < 2*windowSize
disp('please enter a larger vector of observations (should be at leas 2x as big as window size)')

numSegments = floor(length(y)/windowSize);

data = y(1:windowSize);
% first run to set up parameters
[omega, ampEst, allQ, R, stateVec, stateCov] = fit_MKModel_multSines(data,freqs, Fs,ampVec, sigmaFreqs,sigmaObs);
lowFreqLoc = find((omega>lowFreqBand(1)) & (omega<lowFreqBand(2)),1);

if isempty(lowFreqLoc)
disp('Low freq band limits incorrect OR there is no low freq signal; retaining initial params')
omega = freqs;
ampEst = ampVec;
allQ = sigmaFreqs;
[~,lowFreqLoc] = min(abs(freqs-mean(lowFreqBand))); % pick frequency closest to middle of low frequency range

% for loop that runs through rest of the data reestimating parameters after
% generating phase estimates for the whole period using past parameter ests
% and the kalman filter
[phi, Q, M] = genParametersSoulatMdl_sspp(omega, Fs, ampEst, allQ);
phase = zeros(numSegments, windowSize);
phaseBounds = zeros(numSegments, windowSize,2);
allX_full = zeros(numSegments, windowSize, 2);

for seg = 2:numSegments

y_thisRun = y((seg-1)*windowSize + 1: seg*windowSize);
% running Kalman filter over one window before re-running EM
% start below with the end of the EM run x and stae cov
allX = zeros(length(freqs)*2, windowSize);
allP = zeros(length(freqs)*2,length(freqs)*2, windowSize);

x = stateVec(:,end);
P = squeeze(stateCov(:,:,end));

for i = 1:(length(y_thisRun)-1)
% kalman update
[x_new,P_new] = oneStepKFupdate_sspp(x,y_thisRun(i),phi,M,Q,R,P);
allX(:,i) = x_new;
P_new = (P_new + P_new') /2; % forcing symmetry to kill off rounding errors
allP(:,:,i) = P_new;

% estimate phase
phase(seg, i) = angle(x_new(lowFreqLoc*2-1) + 1i* x_new(lowFreqLoc*2));
samples = mvnrnd(x_new(lowFreqLoc*2-1:lowFreqLoc*2), P_new(lowFreqLoc*2-1:lowFreqLoc*2,lowFreqLoc*2-1:lowFreqLoc*2),1000);
sampleAngles = angle(samples(:,1) + 1i*samples(:,2));
tmpAngleStd = abs(wrapToPi((prctile(sampleAngles,97.5) - prctile(sampleAngles,2.5)))/2);
phaseBounds(seg,i,:) = sort([(phase(seg,i)- tmpAngleStd), (phase(seg,i) + tmpAngleStd)]);

% sampleAmp = abs(samples(:,1) + 1i*samples(:,2));
% amp(seg,i) = std(sampleAmp);

% update state and state cov
P = P_new;
x = x_new;
% ending it on N-1
[x_new,P_new] = oneStepKFupdate_sspp(x,y_thisRun(i),phi,M,Q,R,P);
allX(:,i+1) = x_new;
allP(:,:,i+1) = P_new;

% estimate phase
phase(seg, i) = angle(x_new(lowFreqLoc*2-1) + 1i* x_new(lowFreqLoc*2));
samples = mvnrnd(x_new(lowFreqLoc*2-1:lowFreqLoc*2), P_new(lowFreqLoc*2-1:lowFreqLoc*2,lowFreqLoc*2-1:lowFreqLoc*2),2000);
sampleAngles = angle(samples(:,1) + 1i*samples(:,2));
tmpAngleStd = abs(wrapToPi((prctile(sampleAngles,97.5) - prctile(sampleAngles,2.5)))/2);
phaseBounds(seg,i,:) = sort([(phase(seg,i)- tmpAngleStd), (phase(seg,i) + tmpAngleStd)]);
% sset up bounds:
tmpLowerBounds = phaseBounds(seg,:,1);
tmpUpperBounds = phaseBounds(seg,:,2);
phaseBounds(seg,tmpLowerBounds>pi,1) = pi;
phaseBounds(seg,tmpLowerBounds<-pi,1) = -pi;
phaseBounds(seg,tmpUpperBounds>pi,2) = pi;
phaseBounds(seg,tmpUpperBounds<-pi,2) = -pi;

allX_full(seg,:,:) = allX(lowFreqLoc*2-1:lowFreqLoc*2,:)';

% update below to take in the updated x start and cov start
[freqs, ampVec, sigmaFreqs, R, stateVec, stateCov,] = fit_MKModel_multSines(y_thisRun,omega, Fs, ampEst, allQ, R);
tmp = find((freqs>lowFreqBand(1)) & (freqs<lowFreqBand(2)),1);

if isempty(tmp)
disp('Low freq band limits incorrect OR there is no low freq signal; retaining old parameters')
lowFreqLoc = tmp;
omega = freqs;
ampEst = ampVec;
allQ = sigmaFreqs;

[phi, Q, M] = genParametersSoulatMdl_sspp(omega, Fs, ampEst, allQ);


45 changes: 45 additions & 0 deletions demo.asv
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% this is a demo of the causalPhaseEM_MK
% first generate some data
% creating a pure sine with some amplitude noise and added pink noise:
Vlo = (10+ 1*randn(1,(time*Fs))).*cos(2*pi*(6).*[1/Fs:1/Fs:time]); % random movement in amplitude, creates a little bump in PSD

[pn] = make_pink_noise(1,1e4,1/Fs);
pn = 10*pn;
data = Vlo +pn;
truePhase = wrapToPi((2*pi*(6).*[1/Fs:1/Fs:time]))';


% following helps to initialize more reasonable estimates for the scaling
% parameter 'a' and the variances for the state vector
[init_f, init_a,init_sigma,R0] = initializeParams(data,1,1,2000); % s

% setting up initial parameters to start the causalPhaseEM code
initParams.freqs = 4;
initParams.Fs = 1000;
initParams.ampVec = init_a;
initParams.sigmaFreqs = init_sigma;
initParams.sigmaObs = R0;
initParams.window = 2000;
initParams.lowFreqBand = [4,8];

[phase,phaseBounds, fullX] = causalPhaseEM_MKmdl(data, initParams);
phase = reshape(phase', size(phase,1) * size(phase,2),1);
phaseBounds = reshape(permute(phaseBounds,[2,1,3]), size(phaseBounds,1) * size(phaseBounds,2),size(phaseBounds,3));
fullX = reshape(permute(fullX,[2,1,3]), size(fullX,1) * size(fullX,2),size(fullX,3));

err_Spcausal = angle(mean(exp(1i*(phase(2001:end) - truePhase(2001:end)))))*(180/pi);
imagesc( 1:10000,-3:3, (abs(fullX(:,1) + 1i*fullX(:,2)))', 'AlphaData', .5)
hold on; plot(1:10000, phase, 'Linewidth', 2, 'Color', 'b')
plot(squeeze(phaseBounds(:,1)), 'Linewidth', 2, 'color','r')
hold on
plot(squeeze(phaseBounds(:,2)), 'Linewidth', 2,'color','r')
set(gca,'Fontsize', 16)
xlabel('Time (in samples)')
h = colorbar;
title(['Causal Phase Estimate with SP-EM, Error = ',num2str(err_Spcausal)])
49 changes: 49 additions & 0 deletions demo.m
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@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
% this is a demo of the causalPhaseEM_MK
% first generate some data
% creating a pure sine with some amplitude noise and added pink noise at
% sampling frequency of 1000 Hz for 10 seconds

Fs = 1000;
time = 10;
Vlo = (10+ 1*randn(1,(time*Fs))).*cos(2*pi*(6).*[1/Fs:1/Fs:time]); % random movement in amplitude, creates a little bump in PSD

[pn] = make_pink_noise(1,1e4,1/Fs);
pn = 10*pn;
data = Vlo +pn;
truePhase = wrapToPi((2*pi*(6).*[1/Fs:1/Fs:time]))';


% following helps to initialize more reasonable estimates for the scaling
% parameter 'a' and the variances for the state vector
[init_f, init_a,init_sigma,R0] = initializeParams(data,1,1,2000); % s

% setting up initial parameters to start the causalPhaseEM code
initParams.freqs = 4; % initialization using above not great at identifying starting freq
initParams.Fs = 1000;
initParams.ampVec = init_a; % in a pinch this can be initialized to 0.99 to start
initParams.sigmaFreqs = init_sigma; % its important to use a value of this that is in the same ballpark scale
initParams.sigmaObs = R0;
initParams.window = 2000;
initParams.lowFreqBand = [4,8];

[phase,phaseBounds, fullX] = causalPhaseEM_MKmdl(data, initParams);
phase = reshape(phase', size(phase,1) * size(phase,2),1);
phaseBounds = reshape(permute(phaseBounds,[2,1,3]), size(phaseBounds,1) * size(phaseBounds,2),size(phaseBounds,3));
fullX = reshape(permute(fullX,[2,1,3]), size(fullX,1) * size(fullX,2),size(fullX,3));

err_Spcausal = angle(mean(exp(1i*(phase(2001:end) - truePhase(2001:end)))))*(180/pi);
imagesc( 1:10000,-3:3, (abs(fullX(:,1) + 1i*fullX(:,2)))', 'AlphaData', .5)
hold on; plot(1:10000, phase, 'Linewidth', 2, 'Color', 'b')
plot(squeeze(phaseBounds(:,1)), 'Linewidth', 2, 'color','r')
hold on
plot(squeeze(phaseBounds(:,2)), 'Linewidth', 2,'color','r')
set(gca,'Fontsize', 16)
xlabel('Time (in samples)')
h = colorbar;
title(['Causal Phase Estimate with SP-EM, Error = ',num2str(err_Spcausal)])
139 changes: 139 additions & 0 deletions fit_MKModel_multSines.m
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function [omega, ampEst, allQ, R,stateVec, stateCov] = fit_MKModel_multSines(data,freqs, Fs,ampVec, sigmaFreqs,sigmaObs)
% fitting the soulat model using the shumway-stoffer method (basically
% assuming no harmonics); EM has an analytic solution that needs the
% covariance structure between adjacent time points (this is what we need
% the fixed interval smoother for)
% % This is the extension of the fitSoulatModel code to fit multiple
% sinusoids, still with no harmonics.
% data - currently only accepts vector data so n x 1
% freqs - initialize with some frequencies that are appropriate for data
% Fs - sampling frequency
% sigmaFreqs - what are variances at each of the frequencies specified
% sibmaObs - what is the expected observation noise variance?
% Last edit: Ani Wodeyar 3/17/2020

if isempty(sigmaFreqs)
sigmaFreqs = 0.1*ones(length(freqs),1);
if isempty(sigmaObs)
sigmaObs = 10;
y = data;

freqEst = freqs/Fs;
% need to initialize all my parameters

xstart = zeros(2*length(freqs),1);
Pstart = .001 * eye(2*length(freqs));
x = xstart;
P = Pstart;

[phi, Q, M] = genParametersSoulatMdl_sspp(freqs, Fs, ampVec, sigmaFreqs);
R = sigmaObs;

iter = 1;
errorVal = Inf;
%iterate though maximizing likelihood

while iter < 400 && errorVal(iter)>1e-3
%% run forward KF
for i = 1:(length(y)-1)

[x_new,P_new] = oneStepKFupdate_sspp(x,y(i),phi,M,Q,R,P);
allX(:,i) = x_new;
allP(:,:,i) = P_new;

P = P_new;
x = x_new;
% ending it on N-1
[x_new,P_new] = oneStepKFupdate_sspp(x,y(i),phi,M,Q,R,P);
allX(:,i+1) = x_new;
allP(:,:,i+1) = P_new;

% now we have P_new as P_N_N and P as P_(N-1)_(N-1)
% same for x
% can now run the fixed interval smoother

%% run the fixed interval smoother across all data

x_n = x_new;
P_n = P_new;

newAllX(:, length(y)) = allX(:,length(y));
newAllP(:,:,length(y)) = allP(:,:,length(y));
for i = length(y)-1:-1:1
[x_backone,P_backone, J_one] = fixedIntervalSmoother_sspp(x, x_n, P, P_n, phi, Q);
x_n = x_backone;
P_n = P_backone;
x = allX(:,i);
P = squeeze(allP(:,:,i));

newAllX(:,i) = x_backone;
newAllP(:,:,i) = P_backone;
allJ(:,:,i) = J_one;
% need to estimate P_t_(t-1) for t = 1:N
P_tmp = phi * squeeze(allP(:,:,end-1)) * phi' +Q;
K = P_tmp * M * (1/(M' * P_tmp*M + R));
P_N_N1 = (eye(length(P_tmp)) - K * M') * phi * squeeze(allP(:,:,end-1));

allP_N_N1(:,:,length(y)) = P_N_N1;

for i = length(y)-1:-1:2
allP_N_N1(:,:,i)=squeeze(allP(:,:,i)) * squeeze(allJ(:,:,i-1))' + ...
squeeze(allJ(:,:,i))*(squeeze(allP_N_N1(:,:,i+1)) - phi * squeeze(allP(:,:,i))) * squeeze(allJ(:,:,i-1))';

%% update the parameter estimate from optimizing exp cond likelihood
% the portion here is a direct lift from shumway and stoffer rather than
% Soulat and Purdon

A = Pstart + xstart * xstart';
B = zeros(size(newAllP,1),size(newAllP,2));
C = zeros(size(newAllP,1),size(newAllP,2));
R = zeros(1);

for i = 1:length(y)
if i > 1
A = A + squeeze(newAllP(:,:,i-1)) + newAllX(:,i-1) *newAllX(:,i-1)';
B = B + squeeze(allP_N_N1(:,:,i)) + newAllX(:,i) *newAllX(:,i-1)';
C = C + squeeze(newAllP(:,:,i)) + newAllX(:,i) *newAllX(:,i)';
R = R+ M'* squeeze(newAllP(:,:,i)) * M + (y(i) - M'*newAllX(:,i)) *(y(i) - M'*newAllX(:,i))' ;

R = (1/(length(y))) * (R);

oldFreq = freqEst * 1000 /(2*pi);

freqEst = zeros(1,length(freqs));
ampEst = zeros(1,length(freqs));
allQ = zeros(1,length(freqs));

for numFreqs = 1: length(freqs)
B_tmp = B((numFreqs-1)*2 + 1: numFreqs*2,(numFreqs-1)*2 + 1: numFreqs*2);
A_tmp = A((numFreqs-1)*2 + 1: numFreqs*2,(numFreqs-1)*2 + 1: numFreqs*2);
C_tmp = C((numFreqs-1)*2 + 1: numFreqs*2,(numFreqs-1)*2 + 1: numFreqs*2);
freqEst(numFreqs) = (atan((B_tmp(2,1) - B_tmp(1,2))/trace(B_tmp)));
ampEst(numFreqs) = sqrt((B_tmp(2,1) - B_tmp(1,2))^2 + trace(B_tmp)^2)/trace(A_tmp);
allQ(numFreqs) = 1/(2*length(y)) * (trace(C_tmp) - ampEst(numFreqs).^2 * trace(A_tmp));

[phi, Q] = genParametersSoulatMdl_sspp(freqEst * 1000 /(2*pi), Fs, ampEst, allQ);

% disp('Frequency is:')
% freqEst * 1000 /(2*pi)
omega = freqEst * 1000 /(2*pi);
stateVec = newAllX;
stateCov = newAllP;
% phase = angle(newAllX(1,:) + 1i * newAllX(2,:));
% disp('Error in phase (in ms)')
% (mean((abs(phase - realPhase))/(2*pi) * (1/6) *1000))
iter = iter + 1;
errorVal(iter) =sum(abs(omega - oldFreq));

9 changes: 9 additions & 0 deletions fixedIntervalSmoother_sspp.m
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@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
function [x_backone,P_backone, J_one] = fixedIntervalSmoother_sspp(x,x_n,P, P_n,phi,Q)
% given a set of estimates generated by the forward Kalman filter, this
% will work backwards to smooth the estimates

P_one = phi *P * phi' + Q;

J_one = P* phi' * inv(P_one);
x_backone = x + J_one * (x_n - phi*x);
P_backone = P + J_one * (P_n - P_one) * J_one';

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