Releases: woocommerce/woocommerce-paypal-payments
Releases · woocommerce/woocommerce-paypal-payments
Version 1.8.0
- Add - Allow free trial subscriptions #580
- Fix - The Card Processing does not appear as an available payment method when manually creating an order #562
- Fix - Express buttons & Pay Later visible on variable Subscription products /w disabled vaulting #281
- Fix - Pay for order (guest) failing when no email address available #535
- Fix - Emoji in product description causing INVALID_STRING_LENGTH error #491
- Enhancement - Change cart total amount that is sent to PayPal gateway #486
- Enhancement - Include dark Visa and Mastercard gateway icon list for PayPal Card Processing #566
- Enhancement - Onboarding errors improvements #558
- Enhancement - "Place order" button visible during gateway load time when DCC gateway is selected as the default #560
New Feature - Pay Upon Invoice #608
- Add - Allow free trial subscriptions #580
- Fix - The Card Processing does not appear as an available payment method when manually creating an order #562
- Fix - Express buttons & Pay Later visible on variable Subscription products /w disabled vaulting #281
- Fix - Pay for order (guest) failing when no email address available #535
- Fix - Emoji in product description causing INVALID_STRING_LENGTH error #491
- Enhancement - Redirect after updating settings for DCC sends you to PPCP settings screen #392
- Enhancement - Change cart total amount that is sent to PayPal gateway #486
- Enhancement - Include dark Visa and Mastercard gateway icon list for PayPal Card Processing #566
- Enhancement - Onboarding errors improvements #558
- Enhancement - "Place order" button visible during gateway load time when DCC gateway is selected as the default #560
Version 1.7.1
- Fix - Hide smart buttons for free products and zero-sum carts #499
- Fix - Unprocessable Entity when paying with AMEX card #516
- Fix - Multisite path doubled in ajax URLs #528
- Fix - "Place order" button looking unstyled in the Twenty Twenty-Two theme #478
- Fix - PayPal options available on minicart when adding subscription to the cart from shop page without vaulting enabled #518
- Fix - Buttons not visible on products page #551
- Fix - Buttons not visible in mini-cart #553
- Fix - PayPal button missing on pay for order page #555
- Enhancement - PayPal buttons loading time #533
- Enhancement - Improve payment token checking for subscriptions #525
- Enhancement - Add Spain and Italy to messaging #497
- Fix - Hide smart buttons for free products and zero-sum carts #499
- Fix - Unprocessable Entity when paying with AMEX card #516
- Fix - Multisite path doubled in ajax URLs #528
- Fix - Incorrect TAX details on PayPal order overview #541
- Fix - "Place order" button looking unstyled in the Twenty Twenty-Two theme #478
- Fix - PayPal options available on minicart when adding subscription to the cart from shop page without vaulting enabled #518
- Enhancement - PayPal buttons loading time #533
- Enhancement - Improve payment token checking for subscriptions #525
- Enhancement - Add Spain and Italy to messaging #497
Version 1.7.0
- Fix - DCC orders randomly failing #503
- Fix - Multi-currency broke #481
- Fix - Address information from PayPal shortcut flow not loaded #451
- Fix - WooCommerce as mu-plugin is not detected as active #461
- Fix - Check if PayPal Payments is an available gateway before displaying it on Product/Cart pages #447
- Enhancement - Improve onboarding flow, allow no card processing #443 #508 #510
- Enhancement - Add Germany to supported ACDC countries #459
- Enhancement - Add filters to allow ACDC for countries #437
- Enhancement - Update 3D Secure #464
- Enhancement - Extend event, error logging & order notes #456
- Enhancement - Display API response errors in checkout page with user-friendly error message #457
- Enhancement - Pass address details to credit card fields #479
- Enhancement - Improve onboarding notice #465
- Enhancement - Add transaction ID to WC order and order note when refund is received #473
- Enhancement - Asset caching may cause bugs on upgrades #501
- Enhancement - Allow partial capture #483
- Enhancement - PayPal Payments doesn't set transaction fee metadata #467
- Enhancement - Show PayPal fee information in order #489
Require plugin.php if no get_plugin_data #512