Repository for storing code for my Pace University course CS623 Database Management.
In this research project, my partner and I presented a short video about graph databases and Neo4j. The file in the repository cs_new_trends_code_demo
is accompanying code to demonstrate the capabilities of Neo4j. It is accompanied by another short video.
- Presentation video:
- Code demonstration:
In this programming project, my partner and I wrote code to implement a query that was assigned to us, and ensure that the ACID properties of Atomicity and Isolation were implemented through the transactions. Our task was to implement these ACID properties for a relational database schema with tables Product and Stock, and ensure that all records with the product ID 'p1' were deleted from both tables, while ensuring that the transaction was committed to the database state if fully implemented, otherwise aborted. Similarly we had to ensure that the transactions were serializable. The file in the repository
is the code. There is also a short video explaining the code.
- Brief video: