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Workarea One Theme

One Theme plugin for the Workarea platform. Visit the One Theme demo site

Browser Support

Due to the occasional use of flexbox; OneTheme only supports IE 10+ If you need to support older versions of IE you will need to provide alternative styles where flexbox is used.

Notable features

  • 2 additional Taxonomy content blocks which include products
  • Retina support for PDP images using responsive images via dragonfly
  • Hero Slider content block type with full bleed option
  • Color scheme and font configuration
  • Credit card formatting and validation in checkout.

Optimal Image Sizes

Image Type Optimum size Note
Logo 140 x 37px
Product Images 720px x 960px This size does not account for use of image-zoom, it is recommended to at least double this size if your client is likely to want zoom functionality.
Blog thumbnails 914px x 417px
Category summary 464 x 742px Some cropping will occur depending on device size, Image height depends on product height at a diven device width.
Hero Slider 1044 x 511px An aspect ratio of 16:9 is recommended. Any height image could be used here, admin user should preview at different device sizes to ensure it scales well.
Hero Slider full bleed 1682 x 823px

Out of the box plugin support

The following workarea plugins are supported by OneTheme, and are dependencies of the plugin.

  • Product Quickview
  • Package Products
  • Slick Slider
  • Blog
  • Content Search
  • Gift Cards
  • Share
  • OMS
  • Reviews
  • Super Hero
  • Wish Lists

Theme Configuration

Recommended initializer configuration

While you are able to configure the Workarea OneTheme from any initializer it is recommended that you create a new initializer called theme.rb using the following code

Workarea.configure do |config|
  config.theme = config.theme.merge(
    color_scheme: "one",
    font_stacks: {
        roboto: '"Roboto", "HelveticaNeue", "Helvetica Neue", sans-serif',
        lora: '"Lora", "Times New Roman", "Georgia", serif',
        hind: '"Hind", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif',
        source_serif_pro: '"Source Serif Pro", "Times New Roman", Georgia, serif',
        muli: '"Muli", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif',
        playfair_display: '"Playfair Display", "Times New Roman", Georgia, serif'
    primary_font_family: "roboto",
    secondary_font_family: "lora"

This will set your application up with the default configuration options, but allow you to change them easily.

Color Schemes

OneTheme comes with 3 color schemes pre-defined for demo and learning purposes.

To change the color scheme in your application, set the color_scheme configuration in your theme initializer to one of the following configurations:


Workarea.config.theme[:color_scheme] = "one"


Workarea.config.theme[:color_scheme] = "workarea"


Workarea.config.theme[:color_scheme] = "midnight"

Creating a new color scheme

We will be creating a gem for theme infastructure in the near future that will make this process more developer friendly. In the meantime you can create a new color scheme by:

  1. Copying one of the existing color scheme files into your application re-nameing the file,
  2. Update the color_scheme config to match the name of your new color scheme file.

Example This will create a sass file called _custom_color_scheme.scss in your host application, please change [your-app-name] From your ~/src directory, ensure you have workarea-one-theme pulled down

cp -i workarea-one-theme/app/assets/stylesheets/workarea/storefront/theme_config/_one_color_scheme.scss [your-app-name]/app/assets/stylesheets/workarea/storefront/theme_config/_custom_color_scheme.scss

Font Stacks

OneTheme includes configurable font-stack functionality!

A developer is able to configure the primary and secondary font stacks using the theme configuration initializer. To change the font stacks in your application set the primary_font_family and secondary_font_family initializer values to one of the font_stacks defined in workarea-one-theme/config/initializers/theme.rb

Note: If you are using the starter_store generator to install the theme your initializer must specify the font_stacks hash. The names defined in your primary and secondary font variables must match one of the keys in the font_stacks hash.


config.theme = config.theme.merge(
  primary_font_family: "hind",
  secondary_font_family: "source_serif_pro"

The primary_font_family is used for most text throughout the site, including body text, links, buttons, prices, content blocks etc. The secondary_font_family is used for headings, specifically H1, H2, and elements with the heading--fancy class.

Suggested font combinations

  1. Primary: roboto, Secondary: lora
  2. Primary: hind, Secondary: source_serif_pro
  3. Primary: muli, Secondary: playfair_display

Adding a new font

I recommend using google fonts where possible, the googlefonts webfont helper is a useful tool for downloading webfonts and easily generating @font-face CSS - give it a try!

  1. Create a new directory in app/assets/fonts/workarea/storefront/<your_font_name_here>
  2. Download woff and woff2 files for the font you want to use.
  3. Place your font files in the directory we created in step 1.
  4. Create a sass file for you @font-face declarations in /app/assets/stylesheets/workarea/storefront/theme_config/fonts/_<your_font_name_here>.scss
  5. Update your theme initializer, adding a new font_stack and setting either the primary_font_family or secondary_font_family

Example configuration for Calibri font stack used as secondary font family:

config.theme[:font_stacks] = config.theme.font_stacks.merge (
  calibri: 'Calibri, Candara, Segoe, "Segoe UI", Optima, Arial, sans-serif',

config.theme = config.theme.merge(
  secondary_font_family: "calibri"

Workarea Platform Documentation

See for Workarea platform documentation.

Copyright & Licensing

Workarea Commerce Platform is released under the Business Software License