Pjango is open-source project that aims to allow web developers familiar with Django in Python to use the same templates in a PHP environment. Furthermore, the basic goal is to provide compatibility for Django templates being imported into PHP projects; compability in the other direction need not be guaranteed.
Documentation has been provided in the 'documentation' folder. There are both UNIX-plaintext and HTML documentation files.
Licensing information can be found in the LICENSE included in this package.
- Updated to deal with deprecated mime_content_type() function in PHP5.3+; will re-update when a better replacement is found
- Fixed bug where attempting to access a numerical key in an array (e.g. {{ arr.3 }}) causes the ".3" to be rendered as a float, rather than an index
- Fixed RootComponent multi-rendering on extends bug; very hacky, expect a better solution soon
- Fixed RootComponent parent bug
- Fixed bug that sometimes wasn't correctly rendering decimals as values
- Updated core set, with slight adjustments to AJAX library for link purposes
- In documentation, fixed bug where "." was appearing in the filenames of the text version "navigation"
- Updated views.php to fall back to finding HTML templates and rendering them if the PHP files doesn't exist
- Significant bug fixes to {% extends %}
- Improved reliability of CSRF. Also cleans up old tokens.
- Fixed {% js %} to close properly
- Fixed {% js_ext %} bug that prevented it from operating like a normal self-closing tag.
- Modified tags {% css_ext%} and {% js_ext %} slightly
- Modified installationg index.php to give link to documentation compiling script
- Added SQLite3 support to SQL class
- Documentation updated for SQL class
- Fixed bug in __SITE class that caused errors when refactoring
- Tag {% for %} now behaves properly for key,value pairs
- Fixed {% extends %} tag warning
- Added PJANGO_VERSION constant
- Changed from home.php to index.php as default page
- Updated SQL library
- Pjango initial launch