WRF Version 4.3.2 (Bug-fix Release)
The WRF model has been updated to Version 4.3.2 on 14 December, 2021.
Acknowledgements: We would like to thank Patricia Balle (HPE), Jamie Bresch (NCAR), Jordan Schnell (NOAA), Yaping Shao (Universität zu Köln), Martina Klose (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology), Piotr Kasprzyk (IETU Katowice), Theodore M. Giannaros (National Observatory of Athens, Greece)
This is a bug fix release. Following are fixes associated with this release.
- Added a new stanza that is only for ARM processors (right now aarch64 and armv7l) with GNU.
- Added time-varying greenhouse gases to RRTMG shortwave options: RRTMG and RRTMG-fast.
- A test was introduced to stop the incorrect combination of particular PBL schemes on coarser grids with the LES PBL option selected on a finer grid. Previously, this problem caused an inconsistent number of variables on the CG and FG, which caused segmentation faults when trying to do feedback or advection of unavailable fields.
- A few syntax errors in NSSL, NTU, an NoahMP were fixed. Most compilers skipped over them. Either "small impact" or "no impact" for users for whom the code already compiled.
- In WRF Chem, remove photolysis rates from the default history stream (these photolysis rates are not used by most modules).
- Bug fix for fire module related to the initialization of 1000-h fuel moisture content due to an incorrect indexing assignment from the namelist entries for fuel classes.
- Starting with release-v4.3, the CLM specific variable PCT_PFT appeared in the standard wrfout file, even when the CLM option was not selected. A small modification to the standard Registry file removed this incorrectly output 3d array. Other than removing this innocuous zero-valued 3d array from the output stream, there is no other impact for users.
- A fatal error in the real program is now issued when a user requests lateral boundary topography smoothing, but lacks the first-guess soil elevation data to do the weighted averaging of topography. Previously, this discrepancy was ignored, and the d01 high-resolution elevation data was quietly left undisturbed. We have seen this problem when a user chooses to initialize the model with ERA5 data, but when insufficient time invariant files are used.