An app for iPad and Mac to help with managing formal meetings where, in a debate:
- members of the meeting signal to the chair their wish to speak and they are placed on a list of those waiting to speak
- it is necessary to track those who have spoken so they do not speak again if the meeting rules limit each member to one speech
- there are meeting rules that limit speaking time and speeches need to be timed.
It is ideal for local government meetings.
There are basic instructions in the Wiki above.
Use the Discussion tab above to make comments.
An easy way to try the code is to download it as a zip file then open it in Xcode (a Mac application which can be downloaded from the Apple App Store or from the Apple Developer website ). From Xcode, the code can be run on an attached iPad or run in the simulator that comes with Xcode. The MacOS version can be run locally (eg on a Macbook)