Kirby CMS, Alpine.js and Tailwind CSS starter kit for your next project.
Works with the built-in PHP server. No need to install Valet/Vagrant/MAMP or other tools that complicate the development workflow.
Vite — for blazing fast frontend development (with live reloading)
Kirby CMS — simple but powerful flat-file CMS
Alpine.js — lightweight JavaScript framework for extending markup behaviour
Tailwind CSS — the most popular utility-first CSS framework
Features refactoring folder structure and media
folder aliasing, extra "SEO" and "Code injection" tabs. Includes a fully configured HTML <head>
. Highly performant Kirby Cache Driver for pages.
JS folder aliasing to avoid nasty looking imports ../../js/utils/lerp
'@utils': 'src/js/utils',
'@components': 'src/js/components',
'@vendors': 'src/js/vendors'
ℹ︎ For the kit to work correctly, install and configure Composer (PHP package manager), Node.js (>= 12.0.0), and meet Kirby CMS requirements.
Install JavaScript dependencies and Kirby CMS:
We recommend using pnpm to free up hard drive space
npm run setup
Start both built-in and Vite dev servers:
npm run dev
and open localhost:8080
in the browser.
To build the project run:
npm run build
To preview the built project run:
npm run build
npm run serve
The preview will be available at localhost:8080
After completing the build step, copy content from project root to a web server.
White Russian, 2022