Kubernetes and Helm Resources for WSO2 API Management
WSO2 API Manager Team is pleased to announce the release of Kubernetes and Helm resources for WSO2 API Management v4.0.0.2
This release covers the following.
- Helm resources for API Manager deployment with Traffic manager separated from Control Plane (refer to issue).
- [Pattern 3] Upgrade the API version of Kubernetes Ingress resources (refer to issue)
- [Pattern 3] Evaluate Startup Probes For Product Profile Deployments (refer to issue)
Known Issues
- Upgrade the API version of Kubernetes Ingress resources (refer to issue) - Yet to be upgraded in patterns 1 and 2
- Evaluate Startup Probes For Product Profile Deployments (refer to issue) - Yet to be introduced in patterns 1 and 2
- Concurrent invocation issue in getRoleListOfUser(user) in AbstractUserStoreManager(refer to issue)
- Connection refused issue in CP nodes (refer to issue)
- Avoid host name verification in Control plane nodes (refer to issue)
For detailed information on the tasks carried out during this release, please see the GitHub milestone
How You Can Contribute?
Join our mailing list and correspond with the developers directly.
Developer List: [email protected]
User List: [email protected]
Reporting Issues
We encourage you to report issues and documentation faults regarding WSO2 Kubernetes and Helm resources by creating issues.
Thank you!
WSO2 API Manager Team