This repository contains a collection of tools for interacting with robots and cameras, developed to support the Intelligent Robot Manipulation class (MIT 6.881).
In the root directory of this repository, run the following command in a terminal to build a docker image that includes Drake and denpendencies for PDDLStream:
$ docker build -t mit6881 -f ubuntu16_04_mit6881.dockerfile .
In the root directory of this repository, run
$ python ./ --os [your operating system]
where [your operating system]
should be replaced with mac
or linux
. This command will start a docker container (virtual machine) with the docker image you have created. The 6-881-examples
folder on the host machine (your laptop/desktop) is mounted to /6-881-examples
in the docker container.
In the docker container, run
$ terminator
to launch terminator
, a popular terminal multiplexer on linux. The terminator window is launched with a dark green background to distinct itself from terminals running on the host machine.