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Carsten Wulff edited this page Apr 30, 2021 · 2 revisions

LayoutCell extends Cell, it's the most basic cell. It's the default class unless class parameter is defined. LayoutCell can be found in cici-core/src/core/layoutcell.cpp




If called it will calculate the height of the cell, and adjust the height of the cell to half. It's used to overlap transistor drain/source

noPowerRoute : 1 | 0

At paint() the power will be routedd unless noRoutePower : 1

addDirectedRoute : Array

Adds a route from start rectangles to stop rectangles. The rectangles are determined based on the route command.


 [ "M1",  //Layer name
   "CKN", //Net name
   "XA1:MP0:D-|--XA2:MP0:G", //Route command
   "offsetlowend" //Route Options [optional]

Route command The routecommand is split with the following regex


A route is defined by the characters '-|<>', everything before is put into a "start rectangle" path regex, and everything after is put into a "stop rectangle" path regex.

The path regex uses Cell::findAllRectangles(pathRegex,layer)

See Route for the route definitions and options

addConnectivityRoute: Array

Adds a route based on the connectivity of the subcircuit.

[ "M1",    //Layer name
  "^ENO$", //Regular expression for net match
  "-|--",  //Route
  "onTopL,offsetlow",  //Route options [optional]
  "",                  //Number of cuts to use [optional]
  "IVX|STATE"          //Instances to include [optional]

addPortOnRect: Array

Define which rectangles to add ports on

 "CMP_OP",   //Port name
 "M1",       //Layer name
 "XA4:A"     //Path regex

addVia: Array

Add a via at an horizontal offset to a rectangle defined by a path regex

[ "M3",          //Start layer
  "M4",          //Stop layer
  "MP1:D",       //Path regex to find rectangle
  2,             //Horizontal cuts
  1,             //Vertical cuts       [optional]
  8,             //Horizontal offset   [optional]
  "CUST_VREF"    //Custom name for via [optional]

addConnectivityVia: Array

Add a via on ports defined by a net name regular epression

["M4",      //Start layer
 "M5",      //Stop layer
 "C16",     //Path regex 
 1000,      //Grid overrride, if 0 it's equal the grid is a cut width
 2,         //Vertical cuts
 1,         //Horizontal cuts    [optional]
 15,        //Horizontal offset  [optional]
 -0.5,      //Vertical offset    [optional]
 "CUST_C16" //Custom name, searchable by path regex [optional]

addPortVia: Array

Adds a via, and places a port on the via

[ "M2",         //Start layer
  "M4",         //Stop layer
  "RESN",       //Port name
  "X9$:MN1$:D", //Path regex
  1,            //Vertical cuts
  2,            //Horizontal cuts
  -3,           //Horizontal offset, multiplum of via width
  -1,           //Vertical offset, multiplum of via height
  "CUST_RESN"   //Custom name, searchable by path regex [optional]

addVerticalrect: Array

Adds a custom rectangle for the height of the module

["M5",          //Layer
 "CUST_C16",    //Path regex
 1              //Cuts, default 0, if 0 then use rectangle width