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Linked Spatial Index

Spatial Indexing for Linked Data Systems.

Public API

To create a new index, a request should be made to:

As in:

curl --digest -u "user:pass" -d "id=INDEX_ID" \

which should give a response like:

  "message":"Accepted request to provision a new index",

The search endpoint,

will take several parameters,

Parameter Description
predicate one of "intersects", "contains", "nearest"
wkt well-known-text for the argument to the predicate
bbox bounding box in the form "minlat, minlong, maxlat, maxlong"
circle point and radius in the form "lat,long,radius" (radius in km)
limit number of expected results for the query
offset skip the first n results of the query
query Can contain a SPARQL query to be run on the result set, or the value "closure" to return a complete description of the matching entities, or if not specified a simple JSON encoded list of matching entities is returned
type Filter results by the provided RDF type
text Filter results by literals containing the given text

Note: parameters are tentative pending implementation

As noted above, the result of a query can be either a list of URIs for entities that have a spatial component that matches, or an RDF graph (subject to the usual content autonegotiation) containing their complete descriptions, or a SPARQL result set further narrowing the results according to a particular query.

The reset endpoint,

does what it says on the tin, and purges the endpoint and causes a rebuild of the index. Obviously this can be computationally expensive. It does this in parallel with the running index, however, and they are only swapped when the rebuild is complete.

Theory of Operation

Spatial indexing is all about the sweep and prune pattern.

Things to be indexed, which may be of a complicated shape, are put into an R-tree according to their bounding box. The same thing happens to query parameters that contain complicated shapes. By complicated, I mean anything from the perimiter of a city to polygons with holes, for example countries like South Africa that encircle entire other countries.

So these complicated shapes are reduced to the smallest rectangle that encloses them, and then a rough result set is produced by doing fairly simple operations on these rectangles. The rough result set is then narrowed down by doing the more computationally intensive calculation over whether the complicated shapes do indeed match.

A second level of pruning is then supported by this implementation. Because the result of the spatial query are descriptions in RDF, we can make a temporary, in-memory RDF graph for this. On this temporary graph we can then run a SPARQL query, which may be supplied, to further reduce the result set, or to project the result set into a different form as required by the client application.

Implementation Details

An index is provisioned, it needs to be fed with data from somewhere. It looks at the incoming data in searching for things of the following forms:

?foo wgs84:lat ?lat;
     wgs84:long ?long.

?foo dct:spatial [
     geosparql:asWKT ?wkt

?foo dct:spatial [
     geosparql:asGML ?gml

?foo georss:pont ?point.

And in each of these cases, the resource that will be returned or described or otherwise stored in the spatial index is ?foo.

The spatial index is done with libspatialindex via the python R-tree bindings. What is stored is in fact a JSON object of the form:

{ "uri": resource,
  "graph": graph,
  "geom": geometry_in_wkt,
  "json_description": description_encoded_as_rdf_json }

The geom field is used to do the first pruning pass.

The text field is the serialised description which is either returned or used for further pruning with SPARQL.

This JSON blob is stored in the index with the identifier being the FNV1a hash of the URI - in order to support deletion or replacement from the index.



  • GDAL with python bindings and GEOS support enabled
  • libspatialindex
  • kyoto cabinet and python bindings
  • pip install -e [email protected]:RDFLib/rdflib-rdfjson#egg=rdflib_rdfjson

Typically these will be installed using python's virtualenv(1). Standard practice is to make sure the service runs as a dedicated user. A good choice is to make one called geo. Typically the virtualenv will be initialised with a command like:

virtualenv ~geo

And then this line will be added to the user's shell startup files, along with any relevant environment variables:

. ~/bin/activate

The effect of this is that when the geo user runs python or any related commands, the version in ~geo/bin will be used and the environment will be correct.

This package is installed in the usual python way, simply by doing:

python install


The main command to have the indexer run is lsi. This must be run from the directory where the data files or on-disk indexes are to live. This might be a directory like ~geo/data. The output from the command may be redirected to a log file or simply left to go to stdout and run under a screen session.

The default is for the command to listen on localhost:4000. This can be changed with command line switches. Usually a reverse proxy such as nginx will listen on port 80 and redirect traffic to this service.


Sometimes on the receipt of a reset command, the index is not correctly purged. In this case, a workaround is to (1) stop the service (2) remove the relevant data files (3) restart the service and (4) reprovision the index.


Spatial Indexing for Linked Data






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