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A proof-of-concept and philosophy for a typescript monorepo

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Generic Typescript Monorepo Philosophy

NOTE: THIS IS AN EXPERIMENT. This repository is a reference implementation of the monorepo philosophy outlined in this readme. It may work for you, but it may not. Use at your own risk, and be ready to take what's valuable from it while leaving behind what's not.

Furthermore, all views expressed in this readme are intended to represent my personal ideas, not any particular assertion of "the truth".

Problem - Managing Code

Code is really hard to manage! Broadly speaking, "code management" includes writing code, testing code, formatting it and enforcing standards on it, evolving it, sometimes compiling or transpiling it, publishing it, documenting it, possibly deploying it, and managing its dependencies, including keeping all direct and indirect dependencies up to date both with the latest useful domain concepts as well as with the latest security patches.

That's a lot! And it's hard to do.

Monorepos have emerged as a way to set up and enforce a single basic code management strategy on a broader collection of projects.

However, they come with their own set of problems. Namely:

  • What should we include in a monorepo (and what should we not)?
  • How do we isolate projects within a monorepo while still allowing them to reach across boundaries to depend on other libraries within the same monorepo in a transparent way?
  • How do we version and publish libraries and applications from a monorepo?
  • How do we run tests and CI efficiently, only testing what has actually changed?
  • How do we do all this without a ton of annoying and repetitive boilerplate (such as having basically the same set of configuration files and scripts in every sub-package of the repo)?
  • How do we keep all this simple enough to actually understand and work with without a ton of up-front onboarding?


Certain terms in this readme can be confusing, so I'll clarify them up front.

  • When I say package, I'm referring to an app or library in this monorepo, e.g., apps/my-microservice or libs/shared-types.
  • When I say dependency, I'm referring to an external dependency, such as lodash or ts-node.

Example Repo

This repo is a simple, contrived example monorepo that contains several libraries and apps that I'll be using to demonstrate the concepts that I'm experimenting with for my solutions to these problems. I know that things can get a lot more complicated, but I've attempted to make this example monorepo broad enough to demonstrate at least a realistic set of challenges, without getting too far into the weeds.

It should also be noted that this is definitively a typescript monorepo. Some or all of these concepts may work just as well for other languages, but the concretes will certainly be different. Languages tend to be very idiosyncratic when it comes to code management, starting with probably the most significant problem, dependency management. Almost all modern languages have a primary CLI tool for performing common tasks including dependency management, and these will often be your entry point into a monorepo solution. Because these CLI tools are different per-language, the monorepo setups they encourage will also be different.

For the purposes of the sections that follow, here is the dependency graph of the code in this repo:

  • apps/my-microservice
    • --> libs/shared-be
      • --> libs/shared-types
    • --> libs/shared-types
  • apps/other-microservice
    • --> libs/shared-be
      • --> libs/shared-types
  • apps/my-react-app
    • --> libs/shared-fe
      • --> libs/shared-types
    • --> libs/shared-types

Now, without further ado, following are my approaches to solving the various problems of code management within a monorepo.


Package Manager

Or "Dependency Manager", to be consistent with my definitions above, but most people will be more familiar with the term "Package Manager" so I'll call it that.

I use pnpm. I haven't experimented much with others and am reasonably happy with pnpm. I used to use npm because I tend to be a no-frills programmer, but we used pnpm at my last company and I found I appreciated it quite a bit.

The primary things pnpm provides that make monorepo management possible/easier are the following:

  • Per-package, dependency-ordered script-running. pnpm views the monorepo as a collection of many packages and allows you to easily issue commands to a subset of those packages all at once. For example, I can run pnpm -r tsc and it will run tsc in every package of the monorepo. Similarly, if I've defined a typecheck npm script in some of my packages, I can run pnpm -r typecheck to easily run that npm script in all packages for which it is defined. What's more, pnpm will run the scripts against the packages in dependency order, meaning if package A depends on B and I run pnpm -r tsc, it will run tsc in package B first, then package A.
  • Advanced filtering. It also includes a very advanced filtering mechanism that includes selecting packages that are dependent on a given package or that are dependencies of a given package, as well as selecting packages according to code changes between two git commits. This allows you to run testing and linting against only things that have actually changed since the last relevant commit.
  • Advanced version management for publishing. For packages within the monorepo that are dependent on other packages within the monorepo (such as libs/shared-be in this repo),pnpm allows you to publish the dependent packages with concrete dependency version specs while transparently linking the dependency to the live version in the monorepo for development. For example, in shared-be, I can list the dependency "shared-types": "workspace:^8.33.0 || ^9.0.0". This will cause shared-types to be linked into shared-be when I run pnpm i, but when I publish shared-be, the dependency is actually published as "shared-types": "^8.33.0 || ^9.0.0", allowing it to work seamlessly outside the monorepo as well.
  • Various other goodies. pnpm has a lot of little niceties. One example is the publishConfig field in package.json, which allows you to set different values for certain package.json fields when publishing the package than when developing the package. (This is especially useful for having things like "main": "src/index.ts" for the development package and then overriding that with "main": "dist/index.js" for the published version.) The pnpm docs are disappointingly sparse, but the upside of that is that they're pretty quick and easy to get through. Check them out here to see what else pnpm can do.

Package Organization

I find it is useful to distinguish between libraries and applications; thus, my monorepos always have a set of packages under libs and a set of packages under apps.

I try to think of packages under libs as publicly consumable packages (even if they're private to my organization), while packages under apps are "deployables". I don't worry about version specs so much for "deployables", since they are not expected to be depended upon.


The general rule with dependencies is this: For a given package, if you import a dependency, list it in that package's package.json file. Otherwise, it should be saved as a top-level monorepo dependency in the top-level package.json. (And to avoid ambiguity, it's best to save ALL top-level dependencies as dependencies rather than devDependencies, since it really doesn't matter.) This means that things like jest, typescript, ts-node, etc, - i.e., codebase utilities/tooling - should be listed as top-level deps in the monorepo.

Because of the way pnpm works, you cannot import code from a package that you have not explicitly listed in the consumer's package.json file (feature, not bug). For example, if I'm using express in my-microservice, I need to list express as an explicit production dependency of that package. Additionally, if I'm using uuid in the tests for that package, I need to list uuid as an explicit dev dependency of that package.

This sucks a little because it means you still have to worry about dependency versions getting out of sync between packages, but ultimately that's a tradeoff of modular code. (NOTE: syncpack is probably worth a look but I haven't actually checked it out yet).

The approach I've taken to this problem in this repo is to use the pnpm.overrides field in the top-level package.json file to enforce version consistency. For any dependency that I want to be the same across all of my packages, I install it at the top level, add an entry in pnpm.overrides for it. You can then run pnpm --filter my-package i --save some-dep for that dependency and it will add the correct version to that package's package.json.

Dependency Versions

  • For apps, you should pin down specific versions of your dependencies, such as "5.6.2".
  • For libraries, you should specify your dep versions as permissively as possible. For example, if you know your library for sure works with uuid v7 and on, list "uuid": ">=7.0.0". Same goes for your internal workspace dependencies. Make sure that when your library is published, the actual version specification is both defined and permissive. If you use pnpm, you can do something like "my-workspace-dep": "workspace:^5.33.0 || ^6.0.0", which will be transformed on publish to just "my-workspace-dep": "^5.33.0 || ^6.0.0".
  • Use pnpm -r up -Li to interactively upgrade all deps, both at the top level and in packages. You can upgrade just a single package or a set of packages by passing a package name or a scope (see docs).

Publishing Libraries

You may not need to actually publish libraries. If you don't need to, don't do it.

If you do need to, here are a few guidelines/suggestions:

  • As mentioned above in Dependencies, make sure your dependency version specs are correct and permissive. For libraries DON'T lock down dependency versions; rather provide as broad a range of compatible versions as you feel safe declaring. For example, "uuid": "^8.5.0 || ^9.0.0".
  • Use the files array in package.json to list the files that should be included in your package. This is nominally better (for various uninteresting reasons) than using .npmignore to ignore files.
  • I can go both ways on this, but I think I've decided that it's better to bump all library versions simultaneously, even when nothing has changed in some of your packages. It just makes everything more sane, both from the publisher side and the consumer side. Provided you've chosen this route:
    • Your repo branches should correspond to your library versions. For example, you should have branches v1.x, v2.x, v3.x, etc.
    • Tag the repo at each library version release (for example, v5.3.0)
    • If you need to publish a patch, perform the fix on the earliest branch you want to support that is affected by the bug. For example, if you're currently on v5.3.0 and the bug appeared in v3.1.0, go back to the v3.x branch, fix the bug, publish a patch against whatever the latest 3-series release is - say, v3.6.1 - then roll the fix forward through the v4.x and v5.x branches. This should result in the fix being available on every major release that was affected. (If it's a particularly bad security bug and your library is particularly popular, it may be necessary to publish patch releases against every affected and supported minor release.)
    • Use the pnpm publish:all command to easily publish libraries that need to be published. You can use this together with the pnpm version:bump command to first set the version, then publish.

Typescript Configuration

There's a lot to this. Typescript has a TON of config options. Some are legacy, some are sort of duplicates with subtle distinctions, some are seemingly inconsequential and some are geared toward managing projects in a monorepo.

I don't have a lot of good recommendations for managing typescript config in general other than just find the config you like for your front-end and back-end apps and libraries and save it somewhere for easy reference and reuse. I have mine saved as a git repo that I publish as an npm package and extend from. There's also tsconfig/bases, which is probably as good a place to start as any.

tsconfig Formations

Monorepos offer the opportunity to centralize typescript config. However, it can be a little tricky to figure out exactly what to centralize and how that should work.

In general, I think the following is a good approach:

  • Create ./tsconfig.base.json in repo root. This is where you'll store most of your config.
    • This should have "composite": true and "incremental": true.
  • Create */*/tsconfig.json files in each of your packages extending from ./tsconfig.base.json.

The typescript handbook recommends using a "solutions file" to tie all of the sub-packages together, but I find it's actually easier to tie it all together via scripts.

Typescript Monorepo Options

The options we're most interested in will be the following:

  • "composite": true - This enforces certain constraints that make it easier/possible for typescript to manage sub-projects within the same repo.
  • "incremental": true - Not strictly necessary, but can speed things up


One annoying thing that seems to emerge in monorepos is that you end up with all or most of the sub-packages declaring basically the same set of scripts (lint, test:unit, test:e2e, typecheck, build, etc...). It would be nice if you could extend a top-level JSON file with script definitions in it, but you can't. Instead, I find it easiest to just create a top-level scripts directory that you can reference from each sub-package. That way at least you don't have to go through and update the same script a million times if you ever want to change it.

This works even for tiny scripts like tsc -b. And remember: these scripts execute within the environment provided by pnpm, which includes a PATH that's augmented with executables from node_modules as well as a variety of potentially useful env vars.

They execute with the given package as their PWD, so ./ will always be the folder of the package. And remember, the same sort of composability applies here as it does in raw npm scripts, except that you can better hide the lower-level scripts that you compose into the higher-level ones. For example, you could write a low-level linting script at ./scripts/.internal/ that calls eslint with a bunch of parameters, then reference that from the higher level ./scripts/ and ./scripts/ scripts. (Easily reference the scripts dir using DIR="$(dirname "$0)")

pkgjson Script

It's often really annoying to have to go through and edit a bunch of package.json files by hand. This top-level script makes it easy to set values in all package.json files at once. You can also provide --filter and/or --exclude arguments to target a subset of packages.

For example: pnpm pkgjson --filter microservice --exclude my --merge set .files '["dist",""]'

See pnpm pkgjson --help for more details.

Why Not Package These?

These ended up being somewhat powerful scripts (in some cases), so why not package them up for better distribution and usability?

I did end up packing a few of them, as well as a github action that I originally created for this repo. You can access those here.

However, as I thought about it, I realized that every package becomes an impediment to adaptability. If I were to package these up, I would create a situation in which it became virtually impossible to make them work for everyone's individual codebase, and then we'd be back to square one.

Instead, I thought it would be easier to provide them as boilerplate and let implementers add, delete or modify the scripts as desired. Ultimately, people who want to keep up with my personal updates can always just copy the latest from this repo.

Docker Infrastructure

I wish docker had an #include mechanism of some sort, but unfortunatley it doesn't. The best solution I've found to this is to concatenate a base file from the monorepo root with a service-specific file from the service folder and pipe that into docker build via stdin. See ./deploy and ./apps/*/deploy along with the ./scripts/ script to see how it all comes together.

In general, I consider the docker infrastructure in this monorepo to be both funky and also reasonably functional and stable. This is the setup I implemented at my last company, and it's a pattern I'll likely use again in the future.

Some key points:

  • ./deploy/dockerfile.base is the base dockerfile for all builds
  • GOTCHA: There's a dynamic section in dockerfile.base to mount all the libs and apps when installing deps. This allows us to not have to risk having an out-of-date dockerfile when we add new libs and apps, but it also makes the dockerfile unusable in raw form. Trade-offs.
  • The front-end container ( created by ./deploy/dockerfile.react-ext) has not been battle tested and is considered a starting point.
  • At this time, there are no service-specific extensions, but the implemented dockerfile system allows you to provide a file at apps/*/deploy/dockerfile.service if you wish to make additional changes to the final built service. If you need to change the build target as a result, you can change the given package's docker:build npm script to contain the DOCKER_TARGET env var before calling the script, e.g., "docker:build": "DOCKER_TARGET=my-targ ../../scripts/"
  • The dev docker image is simply the monorepo. And since the /monorepo directory in the container is actually replaced with your live monorepo, the image really just serves as a fixed runtime environment.
  • You can build all containers using pnpm docker:build
  • You can bring the system up using pnpm docker:compose up -d (dev). This brings the system up in dev mode with your local monorepo linked in. If you want to run the actual built containers statically, try pnpm docker:compose prod up -d. You can bring the system back down by running pnpm docker:compose [ENV] down, and you can additionally pass any arguments you'd like to docker compose, e.g., pnpm docker:compose [ENV] logs -f.
  • Note that I've implemented a small environment caching mechanism so you don't always have to pass the environment along with pnpm docker:compose. This is just to avoid situations where you brought up the prod stack and then accidentally ran a command against the (non-existent) dev stack or something because you forgot to include prod again.


I respect that the folks who created eslint did a good enough job to achieve massive world-wide adoption, but wow is it ever a mess.

I've tried a number of times to finally overcome my shortcomings in eslint and the more I study it the more confused I get. The people who built it are surely brilliant, but the product itself is awful....

With that caveat, here's what to know about my eslint setup:

  • I used the beta "flat-file" config format for forward compatibility. This caused even more problems than just standard eslint, but it's supposedly been feature complete for a while now so I figured I'd go for it.
  • I'm not by any means an expert in eslint config, so I may have messed this up. Take what I've done as inspiration, but be ready to forge your own path here.

Project Testing

(As opposed to E2E testing, which is further down)

This is another area where there's probably a lot of room for improvement over what I've done. While I'm certainly an expert at writing tests, I'm closer to a beginner than an expert in terms of all the setup and configuration for testing, especially for a monorepo.

All that said, here are the key points in my monorepo testing setup:

  • There was no way around having a jest.config.js file in every sub-package 😭.
  • Because it's likely that as the codebase grows I'll need more complex testing config, I created a .jest directory into which I put my jest config files. The main file, .jest/global.js, simply defines a few global options and then tells jest to go look in apps and libs for actual projects. The other, .jest/common.js, is extended in each of the individual project configs.
  • With reference to the above, note that not all options set in global.js actually trickle down to the projects.
  • Like everything else, we're using a script under ./scripts as our entrypoint, and we're setting our top-level test command to pnpm -r test. You can easily filter by just adding a filter (e.g., pnpm t --filter my-microservice), and you can also pass opts directly to jest, although unfortunately you have to use the old -- argument separator for this. For example, pnpm t --filter my-microservice -- -t GET.
  • I have mixed opinions on front-end testing. I've found front-end tests are often brittle and of little value. I'll typically test functions and other logic, but I don't find it very useful to write component tests. Instead, I focus my energies on writing good E2E tests, and I prioritize my E2E tests carefully based on system importance and logical complexity (things that are hard to reason about are higher priority, while simpler things are lower).

E2E Testing

TODO: Figure this out. I'm new to automated e2e testing so need to experiment before putting something out there. Cypress is popular, but when I did some research for the last company I was at I ended up leaning toward Playwright. Whatever you choose, just create the project in the top-level e2e-tests directory and go from there.

Two things from when I set this up at my last company:

  • You should be able to create a full, working docker deployment of your system that the e2e tests can use. This is worth it, as you can then deploy your environment per branch in CI and run e2e tests.
  • Unfortunately, it seems that neither Cypress nor Playwright offers a good way to test server logging during e2e testing. This seems like a huge omission, as it can often make a huge difference when debugging a failing test. However, it's possible that there is a way to do this using some sort of a log watcher based on the node docker-compose package. More experimentation needed....

Environment Variables

I haven't done a lot with environment variables in this monorepo. To me, .env files are a bit of a mess because so many different tools have started to use them (not only your app, but also docker compose and other such tools). Additionally, because people tend to use .env files to set vars for different environments, you often end up with a passel of .env files in the top level of your project, such as, .env.staging,, etc.

My current favorite solution to this is this, which uses familiar languge (.env), but makes it a directory instead of a file, which both neats things up and also keeps other tooling from using the values unexpectedly.

As a final note on env vars, they're still a really great way to modify functionality in your scripts. For example, you may want to change the way your check script works if it's in a CI environment. You can do this by simple implementing the conditional functionality based on the CI env var.


Not strictly necessary, but if you tend to create a lot of sub-projects, it can be nice to store some boilerplate somewhere. For example, you might create a boilerplate directory with node and react subdirectories containing boilerplate for node and react projects, respectively. That way when you create a new project you can just copy it from your boilerplate.

That said, it may be easy enough to just copy from an existing sub-project.


  • Verify that my eslint config actually works.
  • Verify that my tsconfig setup is optimal

Readme File Template

This is a monorepo based on @wymp/ts-monorepo-poc.

(Brief summary of your project here)


# This repo uses pnpm; install it or update it if necessary
npm i -g pnpm

pnpm i
pnpm check
  • To lint/prettify everything: pnpm format
  • To bump and align all package versions: pnpm version:bump major|minor|patch
  • To publish all packages: pnpm publish:all --otp [your-code]
  • To generate docs: pnpm docs:gen
  • To view docs: pnpm docs:view

Typical Development Workflow

  1. Create a new branch from the latest code: git fetch origin && git checkout -b your-branch origin/current
  2. Install deps and make sure everything is good to start out with: pnpm i && pnpm check
  3. Make all your changes.
  4. When finished, format the code and regenerate docs: pnpm format && pnpm docs:gen
  5. Finally, bump version and publish everything: pnpm version:bump minor && pnpm publish:all --otp 123456


A proof-of-concept and philosophy for a typescript monorepo






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