The MyBatis Dynamic Query framework makes it easier to generate "where" and "order" expression dynamically in mapper xml. mybatis-dynamic-query comes to solve four problem:
- no need write lots of code in xml.
- filtering or sorting maintained by java code.
- hot update "where" and "order" expression.
- save filter or sort descriptor and re-use them.
- H2
- MySql
- SqlServer
- Postresql
- Oracle (TODO)
- create two tables by sql.
DELETE FROM category;
INSERT INTO category (category_id, category_name, description) VALUES
(1, 'Beverages', 'test'),
(2, 'Condiments', 'test'),
(3, 'Oil', 'test');
DELETE FROM product;
INSERT INTO product (product_id, category_id, product_name, price) VALUES
(1, 1, 'Northwind Traders Chai', 18.0000),
(2, 2, 'Northwind Traders Syrup', 7.5000),
(3, 2, 'Northwind Traders Cajun Seasoning', 16.5000),
(4, 3, 'Northwind Traders Olive Oil', 16.5000);
- create a model map to this table.
public class ProductView {
@Column(name = "product_id", table = "product")
private Long productId;
@Column(name = "product_name", table = "product")
private String productName;
@Column(name = "price", table = "product")
private BigDecimal price;
@Column(name = "category_id", table = "category")
private Long categoryId;
@Column(name = "category_name", table = "category")
private String categoryName;
@Column(name = "description", table = "category")
private String description;
// get, set method.
- create a dynamic select in mapper interface / xml.
List<ProductView> getProductViewsByDynamic(Map<String, Object> params);
<select id="getProductViewsByDynamic" parameterType="java.util.Map"
<when test="columnsExpression != null and columnsExpression !=''">
FROM product LEFT JOIN category ON product.category_id = category.category_id
<if test="whereExpression != null and whereExpression != ''">WHERE ${whereExpression}</if>
<if test="orderByExpression != null and orderByExpression != ''">ORDER BY ${orderByExpression}</if>
- generate expression and param map (NOTE: expression string also put into map).
public void testMultiTablesFilter() throws Exception {
FilterDescriptor priceFilter1 =
new FilterDescriptor(ProductView.class, ProductView::getPrice,
FilterOperator.GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL, 6);
FilterDescriptor priceFilter2 =
new FilterDescriptor(ProductView.class, ProductView::getPrice,
FilterOperator.LESS_THAN, 10);
FilterDescriptor categoryNameFilter =
new FilterDescriptor(ProductView.class, ProductView::getCategoryName,
FilterOperator.START_WITH, "Co");
SortDescriptor idDescSort =
new SortDescriptor(ProductView.class, ProductView::getProductID, SortDirection.DESC);
Map<String, Object> params =
// NOTE: we recommend you to set "columnsExpressionPlaceholder"
// in case of duplicated column name in two tables.
// 这里你也可以不给列的站位,但是推荐使用,防止两个表有重复的名字
.createInstance(ProductView.class, "columnsExpression")
priceFilter1, priceFilter2, categoryNameFilter)
.addSorts("orderByExpression", idDescSort)
List<ProductView> result = northwindDao.getProductViewsByDynamic(params);
assertEquals(true, result.size() > 0);
output result
==> Preparing: SELECT product.product_id AS product_id, product.price AS price, category.description AS description, category.category_name AS category_name, product.product_name AS product_name, category.category_id AS category_id
FROM product LEFT JOIN category ON product.category_id = category.category_id WHERE (product.price >= ? AND product.price < ? AND category.category_name LIKE ?)
==> Parameters: 6(Integer), 10(Integer), Co%(String)
<== Row: 2, 7.5000, test, Condiments, Northwind Traders Syrup, 2
<== Total: 1
DynamicQueryMapper is based on tk.mybatis.mapper.
- add dependency
<!-- base -->
<!-- register mapper -->
<!-- mybatis -->
<!-- spring boot web already has jackson-->
<!-- <dependency>
<!-- spring boot -->
- register DynamicQueryMapper in
- scan mappers.
@MapperScan(basePackages = "com.github.wz2cool.mdqtest.mapper")
public class Application {
public static void main(String[] args) {, args);
public interface ProductDao extends DynamicQueryMapper<Product> {