Backend is repetetive, and people do it badly, and I hate resetting the whole thing over and over again. And some frameworks, over-control the structure of the code, and I don't want to have to do that. So I want to create a progressive framework, more flexible, and custemized for our internal projects. It should support / be:
- the same features as different frameworks, but be cooler.
- Caching with Redis, Messages with RabbitMQ, and so on.
- Real Time with Socket.IO, or AWS and so on.
- Authentication with JWT, OAUTH2, plus Authorization.
- Schema Validation with Joi, and so on.
- Upload Features, either on demand or as a middleware, with S3, probably Serverless
- Serverless Features, or could be built entirely serverless
- SQL Databases, basically PostgreSQL or Aurora in case of the Serverless option
- Fully Typed
- File System routing
- Easy Documentation and Testing
- Admin Dashboard with Monitoring and Metrics
- GraphQL Support
- Built on Deno, with Typescript
- Less Boilerplate
- Error Handling
- Dockerized, with CI/CD, and IaC
- What does the other frameworks has to offer?...
index.get.ts is just a naming convention, and is not neccessarely means that its a GET route.
, assuming that the route in the handler is set to/create
will resolve to/articles/create
, or you can bypass it by usinguseAbsolutePath()
in the route
├── src
│ ├── index.ts
│ ├── permissions.ts
│ ├── dependencies.ts
│ ├── options.ts
│ ├── env.ts
│ │
│ ├── @types
│ │ ├── articles.types.ts
│ │ └── index.ts
│ │
│ ├── routes.ts
│ │ ├── articles
│ │ │ ├──
│ │ │ └── articles.get.ts
│ │ │
│ │ └── index.get.ts
│ │
│ ├── models
│ │ └── articles.model.ts
│ │
│ ├── services
│ │ └──
│ │
│ └── utils
│ ├── string.utils.ts
│ └── index.ts
├─ Dockerfile
├─ deno.json
├─ .dockerignore
├─ .gitignore
└─ tests
- Deno Setup, with handling env, permissions, dependencies, and so on
- Redis, RabbitMQ, as Message Brokers
- Redis as Cache
- Routing, Dynamic Routing
- DenoDB
- Web Sockets
- Metrics
- Path Alias
- Status
- Morgan
- Joi
- File Upload Support, S3, Serverless
- OAuth2
- Docker
- Terraform
- Admin Dashboard
- Cors
- Testing
- useAbsolutePath
- Error Handling
- Implement a File Class Entity for uploaded content, it should be extendable for the reuse, and declarative
// entrypoint.ts, or main.ts
import { Dawn, status } from 'dawn'
import env from './env'
import * as options from './options'
const app = new Dawn()
.catch((rq, e) => {
// logger
return status(500, 'Internal Server Error')
// options.ts
import { JWT, Storage } from 'dawn'
import env from './env.ts'
export const jwt: JWT = {
secret: env.jwtSecret,
expiresIn: env.jwtExpiresIn
export const storage: Storage = {
// so on
// env.ts
import { Env } from 'dawn'
export default class Environments extends Env {
jwtSecret() {
return 'secret'
jwtExpiresIn() {}
// routes/
import { post, schema, status } from 'dawn'
const schemas = schema()
.body(joi => joi.object({
title: joi.string().required(),
content: joi.string().required()
.query(joi => null) // dont allow queries
// not using .params() will not check the type of the params
const route = post('/')
.protect(roles.admin) // if empty, it will require authentication
.softProtected() // it will authentify but without returnin 401
.body(schemas.body) // schema, thinking of a better way to do this
.query(schemas.query) // schema
.params(schemas.params) // schema
.useAbsolutePath() // use an absolute path
.useUpload('file-name', 3) // needs a file name, and number of files
.useUploader() // will provide a file uploader service in the request
.useMailer() // will provide a mailer service in the request
.handle(async cx => {
await cx.upload('/path/filename.dat', new File())
await cx.mail('[email protected]', 'hello world')
return {
hello: 'world'
.catch(e => {
return status(500, 'ERROR')
// you can extend to add your features and functions
import { Post } from 'dawn'
class CorsedPost extends Post {
useCors(origins: string[]) {
if (origins.indexOf(this.origin) === -1) {
throw new CustomCorsError() // or return false
catch(e) {
if (e instanceof CustomCorsError) {
return {
status: 403,
body: {
error: 'Forbidden'
// entrypoint.ts, or main.ts
import { Dawn } from 'dawn'
import * as options from './options'
const app = new Dawn()
// routes/*.ts
import { post } from 'dawn'
const route = post('/')
.handle(async cx => {
const data = await cx.cache('key', () => "hello world")
await cx.forget('key')
return "done"
// entrypoint.ts, or main.ts
import { Dawn } from 'dawn'
import * as options from './options'
const app = new Dawn()
// routes/*.ts
import { post } from 'dawn'
import * as events from './events'
const route = post('/')
.handle(async cx => {
await cx.emit(events.created({ msg: 'hi' }))
return "done"
// events.ts
import { event } from 'dawn'
export const created = event<{ msg: string }>('CREATED')
// routes/*.ts
import { post, test as t } from 'dawn'
const route = post('/')
.handle(async cx => {
const { x = 0, y = 0 } = cx.body
return x + y
.test('should work in simple scenario', () => {
const data = t.fetch({ x: 1, y: 7 })
t.assert(data === 8)
.test('should defaults to 0', () => {
const data = t.fetch({ x: 1 })
t.assert(data === 1)