This project provides an Apache Tomcat Manager able to save and restore sessions into a Redis cluster, using the Jedis or Lettuce client. This manager implements the serialization for authType and Principal, that can be usefull when a BASIC_AUTH is enabled.
- JDK (8, 9, 11), Maven
- an Apache Tomcat
- a Redis cluster
Apache Tomcat 7
Apache Tomcat 8
Apache Tomcat 9
Redis cluster 3.2
Redis cluster 5.0
1°/ Clone this project
git clone
2°/ Build with maven
mvn clean install
3°/ Install the session manager into your Apache Tomcat
You can choose the implementation driver you prefer by setting the value of the properties "implementation". Possible values are: jedis, lettuce
3.1 With Jedis
Get more informations about Lettuce:
3.1.1 Install requested Jar files
cp tomcat-session-redis-cluster.jar $catalina_home/lib/
cp jedis-2.9.0.jar $catalina_home/lib/
cp commons-pool2-2.4.2.jar $catalina_home/lib/
3.1.2 Add the following snippet into your {catalina_home}/conf/context.xml
<Manager className="org.apache.tomcat.session.redis.RedisClusterSessionManager"
nodes=",," implementation="jedis" />
3.1 With Lettuce
Get more informations about Lettuce:
3.1.1 Install requested Jar files
cp tomcat-session-redis-cluster.jar $catalina_home/lib/
cp lettuce-core-5.2.1.RELEASE.jar $catalina_home/lib/
cp netty-*.jar $catalina_home/lib/
cp reactive-streams-1.0.2.jar $catalina_home/lib/
cp reactor-core-3.2.11.RELEASE.jar $catalina_home/lib/
3.1.2 Add the following snippet into your {catalina_home}/conf/context.xml
<Manager className="org.apache.tomcat.session.redis.RedisClusterSessionManager"
nodes=",," implementation="lettuce" />
4°/ Restart your Apache Tomcat