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DianeXceed edited this page Jun 21, 2017 · 4 revisions


Only available in the Plus Edition

Derives from AnimationPanel

Defines an area where items are positioned on a timeline.


Property Description
* All the Properties from Canvas Panel
BeginDate Gets or sets the date corresponding to the beginning of the TimelinePanel.
CanHorizontallyScroll Gets or sets if the horizontal scrolling is enabled.
CanVerticallyScroll Gets or sets if the vertical scrolling is enabled.
Date (attached) Gets or sets the Date of a children.
DateEnd (attached) Gets or sets the end Date of a children.
EndDate Gets or sets the date corresponding to the end of the AnimatedTimelinePanel.
ExtendHeight Gets the Height extended for the panel.
ExtendWidth Gets the Width extended for the panel.
HorizontalOffset Gets the horizontal offset for the panel.
KeepOriginalOrderForOverlap Gets or sets if the original order should be kept when overlapping occurs.
Orientation Gets or sets the orientation (Vertical/Horizontal) of the Panel.
OverlapBehavior Gets or sets the OverlapBehavior dependency property.
ScrollOwner Gets or sets the ScrollViewer.
UnitSize Gets or sets the size of one unit.
UnitTimeSpan Gets or sets the TimeSpan for one unit.
VerticalOffset Gets the Vertical offset.
ViewportHeight Gets the height of the viewport.
ViewportWidth Gets the width of the viewport.


Event Description
* All the Events from Canvas Panel


Method Description
LineDown Sets Vertical offset down by one.
LineLeft Sets Horizontal offset left by one.
LineUp Sets Vertical offset up by one.
LineRight Sets Horizontal offset right by one.
MakeVisible show a children of the panel.
MouseWheelDown Sets Vertical offset down by SystemParameters.WheelScrollLines.
MouseWheelLeft Sets Horizontal offset left by SystemParameters.WheelScrollLines.
MouseWheelUp Sets Vertical offset up by SystemParameters.WheelScrollLines.
MouseWheelRight Sets Horizontal offset right by SystemParameters.WheelScrollLines.
PageDown Sets Vertical offset down by page.
PageLeft Sets Horizontal offset left by page.
PageUp Sets Vertical offset up by page.
PageRight Sets Horizontal offset right by page.
SetHorizontalOffset Sets the Horizontal offset.
SetVerticalOffset Sets the Vertical offset.
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