Demo is build with Lumen for the back-end and Vue.js for the front-end. Pusher is used for realtime broadcasting/synconizing of scores.
This demo was tested with a current version of Laravel Homestead, but other setups should work as well, as long as following minimum requirements are fulfilled:
PHP >= 5.5.9
OpenSSL PHP Extension
PDO PHP Extension
Mbstring PHP Extension
composer install
open file .env and adjust settings
setup database according to name specified in .env file
php artisan migrate
(will create "players" table in db) -
php artisan db:seed
(will create 6 player with a random name and random score)
- Add (unit)-tests to test functionality
- replace jQuery with vue-resource, because jQuery is only really used for AJAX calls and vue-resource has less overhead
- test other broadcasting driver (Redis)
- I tried to use PHP and multiple database operations for this demo, which is possibly slower that a full front-end approach
- Caching of player-list that clients request