使用之前,请认真阅读ladaza API 文档 https://open.lazada.com/doc/doc.htm?spm=a2o9m.11193494.0.0.191e266bRZ7fPZ&nodeId=27493&docId=118729#?nodeId=29586&docId=120248
$ composer require onetech/easy-lazada -vvv
use Onetech\EasyLazada\Lazada;
require 'vendor/autoload.php';
$lazada = new Lazada([
'region' => 'TH',
'app_key' => '',
'app_secret' => '',
'redirect_uri' => 'https://admin.erp.local',
'debug' => true,
'sandbox' => true,
'log' => [
'name' => 'foundation',
'file' => sys_get_temp_dir() . '/foundation.log',
'level' => 'debug',
'permission' => 0777,
'cache' => new Doctrine\Common\Cache\FilesystemCache(sys_get_temp_dir())
//1. 创建授权地址,引导用户进行授权
echo $lazada->oauth->authorizer->create();
//2. 从redirect url中获取code值,去换取access_token等信息
$code = $_GET['code'];
echo $lazada->access_token->setCode($code)->getToken();//创建token
$order_id = 13800138000;
$res = $lazada->order->getOrder($order_id);
- 还有部分API还没有对接,PR welcome
- 上传图片的API还没有对接成功
- 其他未知问题
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