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Hierarchical Routes

A simple way to get hierarchical content to work by using menu.yml. No assumptions or crazy features. This extensions allows you to do a few things:

  • Use one (or more) menu(s) to generate a hierarchical structure of nodes.
  • Query a set of items and put them under any defined node.
  • Put all instances of a specific contenttype under any defined node.
  • Mount a contentlisting page under any defined node.

Make sure to use path: {contenttypeslug}/{id} convention as much as possible. Use the Menu Editor extension to edit your extension visually. Menu items that are only defined as link: are ignored.

Make sure a record exists only once in the menu tree. There is no guarantee that this extension will behave as intended if you don't. Currently, there is a setting overwrite-duplicates that allows you to always or never overwrite existing items.


  • menu: select which menu to check for as the hierarchical tree
  • rules: apply some sets of content under a (parent) node
    • type: contenttype: put all items from a specific contenttype under a node
    • type: query: use a setcontent-like query to put a whole set under a node
  • settings: other settings
    • overwrite-duplicates: allow duplicates to be overwritten, or not
    • override-slugs: allow slugs to be overridden via menu.yml


Once a menu is built, it will be stored in the configuration folder, by default in app/config/extensions/hierarchicalroutes/. This is invalidated and rebuilt on every save of a record, or after updating one of the main config files (menu.yml and hierarchicalroutes.twokings.yml).

Make sure that this folder is writeable and ignored in your project's .gitignore:


Override Slugs

If override-slugs is enabled, then slugs can be overridden in menu.yml. Just add an additional key named override with the desired slug as the value.

    - label: Entry 1
      path: entry/1
      override: my-custom-slug

This allows you to re-use duplicate slugs as long as they are under different parents, like so:

  • /project/foo/case-study
  • /project/bar/case-study
  • /project/baz/case-study

Twig functions

Note: These functions do not work for contenttype rules or contentlisting pages.

  • getParent(record) - Returns the parent of the current record, otherwise null.
  • getParents(record) - Returns an array of all the parents of the current record. This is useful for breadcrumbs: iterate over getParents(record)|reverse.
  • getChildren(record) - Returns an array of all the children of the current record.
  • getSiblings(record) - Returns an array of all the siblings of the current record.

Nut Commands

Several Nut commands are added for CLI convenience:

  • app/nut hierarchy:build - Build the structure tree
  • app/nut hierarchy:view - View the structure tree (minimal)
  • app/nut hierarchy:view --full - View the structure tree with titles and links

Dev Notes


This extensions works only if the default route contentlink would be used for records. This extension will then attempt to re-write it, if there are any parents for that record.

On Handling duplicates

There is an option for overwriting existing items. However, that still does not make a lot of sense. What should happen to its children? Perhaps an option is to add a duplicate node, but that would make it a bit complexer.

On Handling Circular References

I am not sure if this can happen though. If it does, it will most likely be related to duplicate items, i.e. multiple entries of a record in the menu(s).

On Refactoring

I'm currently using both 'storage' and 'query' for getContent:

  • $app['storage']->getContent => \Bolt\Legacy\Content (to be deprecated)
  • $app['query']->getContent => \Bolt\Storage\Entity\Content

There's a potential bug with query depending on your definitions inside contenttypes.yml. See Bolt Issue 6691.

On mounting Taxonomy pages on a Node

Would you really want this? There's a potential choice for:

  • /foo/bar/{taxonomytype}/{slug}
  • /foo/bar/{slug}

However, a route like /foo/bar/pages/{taxonomytype}/{slug} would not work, unless that taxonomytype would only be bound to that one contenttype; pages in this case.


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