I recently setup Kandim as a Identity Provided (IdP)/Identity Management (IdM) solution, primarily for Tailscale. However now it's setup correctly I suppose I can use it for all my Oauth/OpenID tasks.
Big thanks @yaleman for suggesting it to me as a good IdP solution.
Noting there was a bit of learning curve, and some dicking around to get it all working... I figured maybe I should write a guide on how I set it up, to save some other high functioning nerd (my wife would argue otherwise) sometime if they decide also that Google isn't a good trust anchor for all your auth for you home lab.
Eventually I'll flesh this out with the bits about Kanidm setup...
Eventually I'll detail how I run it in docker here...
Eventually I'll detail how to add users to Kandim for Tailscale
Eventually I'll detail how to add users to Kandim for Tailscale
Eventually I'll detail how to add groups to Kandim for Tailscale
Eventually I'll detail how to configure Oauth for Kandim with the right scopes configured, and a group that will allow access to this service and assign the right scopes.
Eventually I'll document how I run Cloudflared in docker here...
Eventually I'll document how I run configure Cloudflare tunnel in the console
I spent ages trying to work out why my tunnelled traffic never hit my Kandim server, turns out the WAF thought some of the traffic was a bot. Who knew...
Tailscale requires a WebFinger with OIDC issuer discovery, see RFC 7033 to be configured in order to be able to configure and authenticate to your Kandim instance. Back in my day finger was a protocol and service you ran (showing my age), so I was somewhat familiar with the concept, however had no idea Webfinger was a thing.
I spent a bit of time unpicking how this was supposed to work and found a few example of how to set it up, most of the examples were to allow custom names on Madtedon. A couple of references and tools I used:
- https://www.packetizer.com/ws/webfinger/server.html
- https://stolley.dev/posted/getting-webfinger-to-play-nicely-on-nginx/
- https://webfinger.net/lookup/
I created a folder in my web root:
Within this folder I created a file in the following JRD documents using the following naming format:
Doing it like this allows for you to host many WebFingers for each different user or service you intend to do something with.
The contents of my acct:$USERNAME@$FQDN.json file is: NOTE: The FQDN should match the e-mail address FQDN set with your user in Kandim. NOTE: KANDIM_OAUTH_SERVICE_URL us obtained from Kandim cli after the Oauth service is setup
"subject": "acct:$USERNAME@$FQDN",
"links": [
"rel": "http://openid.net/specs/connect/1.0/issuer",
Also within the /var/www/wf/ directory I have a .htaccess file containing the following:
AddType application/json;qs=0.5 .json
Header set Access-Control-Allow-Origin "*"
Now we have the correct JRD json documents and a folder to house them, we need to configure Apache2.4 to allow access to it and do some re-writing and header junk.
I created the following file:
The file contains the following, noting it's for Apache2.4 other versions will have different authorisation configuration, Google it I guess?
<Directory /var/www/wf/>
AddType application/json;qs=0.5 .json
AllowOverride None
Require all granted
Header set Access-Control-Allow-Origin "*"
<Location "/.well-known/webfinger">
# Re-write rules
RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} /\.well-known/webfinger$
RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} resource=([^&]+)
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ /wf/%1.json [L]
RewriteRule ^/.well-known/webfinger$ - [L,R=400]
Don't forget to enable your new site:
sudo a2ensite webfinger.conf
And then check everything is in order config wise:
sudo apachectl -t
And then restart Apache (yes I'm a dirty systemd sellout, I gave up fighting it)
sudo systemctl reload apache2.service
Visit the https://webfinger.net/lookup/, enter your e-mail address of the user that will log into Tailscale, and if all is good it should return some Json and a log with the full URL of where the Webfinger file is.