NeuralBERTClassifier is designed for quick implementation of neural models for multi-label classification problem: Medical Slot Filling (MSF). A salient feature is that NeuralBERTClassifier currently provides a variety of text encoders, such as FastText, TextCNN, TextRNN, RCNN, VDCNN, DPCNN, DRNN, AttentiveConvNet, Transformer encoder, and BERT etc. It also supports other text classification scenarios, including binary-class and multi-class classification. It is built on PyTorch. Corresponding paper Understanding Medical Conversations with Scattered Keyword Attention and Weak Supervision from Responses was accepted by AAAI 2020.
According to Tencent's regulations, the dataset can only be used for research purposes.
- Binary-class text classifcation
- Multi-class text classification
- Multi-label text classification
- Hiearchical (multi-label) text classification (HMC)
- TextCNN (Kim, 2014)
- RCNN (Lai et al., 2015)
- TextRNN (Liu et al., 2016)
- FastText (Joulin et al., 2016)
- VDCNN (Conneau et al., 2016)
- DPCNN (Johnson and Zhang, 2017)
- AttentiveConvNet (Yin and Schutze, 2017)
- DRNN (Wang, 2018)
- Region embedding (Qiao et al., 2018)
- Transformer encoder (Vaswani et al., 2017)
- Star-Transformer encoder (Guo et al., 2019)
- Python 3
- PyTorch 0.4+
- Numpy 1.14.3+
python conf/train.json
Detail configurations and explanations see Configuration.
The training info will be outputted in standard output and log.logger_file.
python conf/train.json
- if eval.is_flat = false, hierarchical evaluation will be outputted.
- eval.model_dir is the model to evaluate.
- data.test_json_files is the input text file to evaluate.
The evaluation info will be outputed in eval.dir.
JSON example:
"doc_label": ["Computer--MachineLearning--DeepLearning", "Neuro--ComputationalNeuro"],
"doc_token": ["I", "love", "deep", "learning"],
"doc_keyword": ["deep learning"],
"doc_topic": ["AI", "Machine learning"]
"doc_keyword" and "doc_topic" are optional.
- 2020-10-27