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Tools to measure the inference performance of vision transformers on mobile devices, plus pruning methods adopted from previous work: are16heads , nn_pruning.

This link contains the tflite models we tested.

The folder modeling.models contains our tensorflow implemented ViT (DeiT) and T2T-ViT model, based on and The tensorflow swin-transformer is from


First clone this repo and install dependencies.

git clone
pip install -r requirements.txt

# to prune deit
pip install -r deit_pruning/requirements.txt

Benchmark models on mobile devices

File provides the command line interface to export, convert and benchmark cnn and transformer models. Example usage includes:

1) convert tensorflow keras saved model to tflite

python tf2tflite --input <saved_model_path> --output <tflite_model_path> [--quantization=float16|dynamic]

You can add quantization argument to quantize the model when converting. We tried two quantization methods from tensorflow: dynamic range quantization and float16 quantization.

2) benchmark tflite model inference latency and memory on mobile phones

First you need to setup adb and plug a android phone to your computer.

Next download or compile tflite_benchmark_binary. We use the nightly pre-built binary that support TF ops via Flex delegate provided by tensorflow official website (download link). If you build by yourself, be sure to build with Tensorflow ops support because all ops in transformer are not supported by tflite (e.g. Einsum, ExtractImagePatches, Erf, Roll).

Then you can push the binary and tflite models to your phone and run benchmark.

adb -s <SERIAL_NO> push benchmark_model_plus_flex /data/local/tmp
adb -s <SERIAL_NO> push model.tflite /sdcard

# run benchmark by logging in to the phone
abs -s <SERIAL_NO> shell 
chmod +x /data/local/tmp/benchmark_model_plus_flex
taskset <core_mask> /data/local/tmp/benchmark_model_plus_flex --graph=/sdcard/model.tflite --num_runs=50 --warmup_runs=50 --num_threads=1 [--enable_op_profiling --profiling_output_csv_file=profile_output.csv]
# or run with interface
python mobile_benchmark  --serial_number <SERIAL_NO> --model model.tflite --taskset_mask <core_mask> --benchmark_binary_dir /data/local/tmp --num_runs=50 --warmup_runs=50 [--profiling_output_csv_file output.csv]

The benchmark output shows the average inference latency and delta memory footprint between the beginning and end of the inference:

# benchmark mobilenet_v2
The input model file size (MB): 13.9926
Initialized session in 0.847ms.
Running benchmark for at least 30 iterations and at least 0.5 seconds but terminate if exceeding 150 seconds.
count=30 first=57338 curr=46893 min=45730 max=57338 avg=47674.1 std=2073

Running benchmark for at least 30 iterations and at least 1 seconds but terminate if exceeding 150 seconds.
count=30 first=47632 curr=49309 min=44914 max=49309 avg=47440.3 std=1087

Inference timings in us: Init: 847, First inference: 57338, Warmup (avg): 47674.1, Inference (avg): 47440.3
Note: as the benchmark tool itself affects memory footprint, the following is only APPROXIMATE to the actual memory footprint of the model at runtime. Take the information at your discretion.
Peak memory footprint (MB): init=1.26562 overall=26.6641

Prune DeiT

The folder deit_pruning contains code adopted from nn_pruning to structure prune DeiT.

Example usage are as follows:

1) prune DeiT

cd deit_pruning
python -m torch.distributed.launch --nproc_per_node 4 src/ --deit_model_name facebook/deit-tiny-patch16-224 --output_dir <output_dir> --data_path <imagenet2012_dataset_path> --sparse_preset topk-hybrid-struct-layerwise-tiny --layerwise_thresholds h_0.50_d_0.3-h_0.50_d_0.3-h_0.50_d_0.3-h_0.50_d_0.3-h_0.50_d_0.3-h_0.50_d_0.3-h_0.50_d_0.3-h_0.50_d_0.3-h_0.50_d_0.3-h_0.50_d_0.3-h_0.50_d_0.3-h_0.50_d_0.3 --nn_pruning --do_eval --micro_batch_size 256 --scale_lr --epoch 6 

The code will load the deit_model using functiontransformers.AutoModelForImageClassification.from_pretrained() with path specified by argument--deit_model_name. --data_path is the path to imagenet2012 dataset, which must contain two sub directories train and val. --layerwise_thresholds specifies the threshold per layer to prune attention heads and FFN. For example, for DeiT-Tiny with 3 heads per layer, h_0.668_d_0.9 means prune 1 head and 10% FFN rows/columns.

The implementation of nn_pruning could not ideally support prune attention heads: it prunes q, k, v weight matrixes separately. We adopt it to prune heads with score set to be the total number of q, k, v matrixes not pruned. If the q, k, v matrixes of a head are all pruned, then its score is zero and we prune it first. If the q, k, v matrixes are all not pruned, then the head's score is 3 and we prune it last.

As a result, there are q, k, v blocks completely zero after prune heads, so finetune is necessary.

2) finetune pruned DeiT

cd deit_pruning
python -m torch.distributed.launch --nproc_per_node 4 src/ --deit_model_name <pruned_deit_dir> --output_dir <output_dir> --data_path <imagenet2012_dataset_path> --final_finetune --micro_batch_size 256 --scale_lr --epoch 3

Additionally, during experiment, we found kd (knowledge distillation) could help improve accuracy a lot. You can add kd into pruning or finetuning by appending the following arguments:

--do_distil --alpha_distil=0.9 --teacher_model=facebook/deit-base-patch16-224 


To deploy Transformer models in CV to mobile devices.






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